
Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) function to treat a variety of work- and nonwork-related problems that may interfere with an employee’s job performance and/or productivity. EAPs were originally developed in the 1950s to treat employees whose job performance was negatively affected by alcohol abuse, but they have evolved greatly over the past several decades. The scope

Career Assistance Programs ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

In order to prepare athletes for and support them during  transitions,  career  assistance  programs (CAPs)  have  been  developed  by  elite  sport  organizations  like  a  national  sport  governing  body, universities,  and  private  organizations.  These CAPs generally consist of an integrated and comprehensive  combination  of  workshops,  seminars, educational  modules,  individual  counseling,  and referral   networks  providing   individualized   or

Victim Assistance Programs and Legislation

Victim assistance programs and legislation refers to support programing developed to meet the needs of victims of crime. Often this programming is legislated in an act or other mandate. This topic is relevant to students and professionals in the fields of psychology, social work, criminal justice, sociology, and criminology because they are likely to enter

Financial Assistance and Support for Protected Witnesses

This article explores the critical role of financial assistance and support for protected witnesses within the United States criminal justice process. Beginning with an overview of witness protection programs, particularly the Witness Security Program (WITSEC) and the Federal Witness Assistance Program, the discussion examines the eligibility criteria and types of financial aid provided. The second

Career Assistance Programs

In order to prepare athletes for and support them during  transitions,  career  assistance  programs (CAPs)  have  been  developed  by  elite  sport  organizations  like  a  national  sport  governing  body, universities,  and  private  organizations.  These CAPs generally consist of an integrated and comprehensive  combination  of  workshops,  seminars, educational  modules,  individual  counseling,  and referral   networks  providing   individualized   or

Employee Assistance Programs for Stress Management

This article explores the role of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) in managing workplace stress within the framework of health psychology. The introduction outlines the historical development of EAPs, emphasizing their significance in addressing the prevalent issue of stress in the modern workplace. The body of the article is divided into three parts: Understanding Stress in

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