
Cosmetic Surgery ⋆ Beauty and Health, Beauty Treatments ⋆ Lifestyle

Cosmetic surgery   is  an  invasive  medical   practice that  was  developed mainly in  the  late  19th  century. According to  the  American Society  of Aesthetic and Plastic  Surgery, over  10  million  people  had  cosmetic surgery  in  2008  in  the United States  alone.  This   is  an  overall  increase of  446  percent since  1997. The  term  cosmetic surgery  (from 

Cosmopolitan ⋆ Beauty Magazines ⋆ Lifestyle

Cosmopolitan magazine, originally  named The Cosmopolitan, was launched in 1886 as a general-interest family magazine by Schlicht and Field Publishers. It changed publishers several times  and  eventually enjoyed success as a leading  publisher of both serialized  novels  and  short stories. The  1950s  saw the  rise  of inexpensive paperbacks and television, and circulation declined for magazines

CoverGirl ⋆ Beauty Companies ⋆ Lifestyle

CoverGirl is a cosmetics company that  was founded by the  Noxzema Chemical Company in  1958.  Originally a line  of only  six products in  the  vein  of the company’s cleansers and  toners, CoverGirl has  become one  of the  largest  and most  recognizable cosmetics companies in the industry. Named for the especially highly  regarded models who  grace 

DanDruff ⋆ Beauty and Health, Beauty Products, Beauty Treatments ⋆ Lifestyle

Dandruff is the  shedding of the  scalp’s  epidermal cells,  something that  affects most  people  in various  degrees. The  skin of the scalp constantly sheds, but  when the  scalp’s dead  cells shed  at a rapid  rate, large grey-white clumps appear  on the top of the scalp and become visible. Manufacturers of shampoos and conditioners have produced

Dermatology ⋆ Beauty Professions, Beauty Treatments ⋆ Lifestyle

Dermatology, a medical  specialization that  deals  with  skin  care,  emerged from the  study  of venereal  diseases. The  first schools of dermatology were established in 18th-century France  and  early dermatologists specialized, for example,  in the treatment of diseases  such  as syphilis. In the United States,  the link between sexual  disease  and  skin  disorders such  as lesions 

Designers ⋆ Beauty Professions, Clothing ⋆ Lifestyle

Paris,  France, has  been  the  center of the  fashion world  for  centuries, and  any fashion designer desiring fame  and  fortune went  there. Parisian fashion gained its foothold on  history during the  reign  of Louis  XIV, “The  Sun  King,”  in  the 17th  century. Skilled tailors  spent  hundreds of hours clothing the many courtiers as they flew

Display ⋆ Beauty Industry ⋆ Lifestyle

In  the  beauty  industry, retailers  use  display  booths and  stands to  demonstrate and  advertise  products and  methods of use.  Display  stands are most  prominent in large  retail  outlets where  trained beauty  product professionals apply  and  illustrate how products can be used  and what immediate effects are available to the consumer. These professionals are also a

The Body Shop ⋆ Beauty Companies ⋆ Lifestyle

The  Body  Shop, founded in  the  mid  1970s,  is  a  beauty   company that  offers vegetable-based products and  a strong ethical  mission. It is the  second largest cosmetic franchise in the  world.  The  Body Shop  emphasizes its stance against animal  testing and  for fair trade  and  promotes positive  environmental and  social change through its products and 

Botox ⋆ Beauty Treatments ⋆ Lifestyle

Botox, a diluted form of the neurotoxin botulinum A, is, according to the statistics of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the most  popular cosmetic procedure (including surgical  and  non-surgical procedures) ever to exist. While in  the  year  2000,  one  million  people  had  had  Botox  injections in  the  United States,  by 2002,  when  the 

Branding ⋆ Beauty Industry, Beauty Media, Clothing ⋆ Lifestyle

From  Calvin Klein’s designer jeans to Nike’s infamous swoosh trademark, branding is an integral component of the advertising industry in which  a collection of images and ideas connect consumers with specific attitudes, feelings, and perceptions  about products and companies, invoking a sense  of trust and status. Branding  has  transformed advertising, culture, and  the  economy, changing

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