

Many individuals feel “burned out” from their jobs. Indeed, job burnout can be a substantial obstacle to employee and organizational well-being. Christina Maslach, a pioneer in the study of the burnout process, has defined job burnout as a prolonged response to chronic (that is, long-lasting) stressors in the workplace. Maslach has also developed several versions

Burnout in Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Modern  sport  culture  is  replete  with  qualities thought to make burnout prevalent, including high training  volumes  and  competitive  demands,  near year-round  training,  and  in  some  sports,  specialization at young ages. Given this sport landscape and the concerns raised by sport scientists and others involved in the sport community (coaches and administrators), the importance of athlete

Burnout in Sport

Modern  sport  culture  is  replete  with  qualities thought to make burnout prevalent, including high training  volumes  and  competitive  demands,  near year-round  training,  and  in  some  sports,  specialization at young ages. Given this sport landscape and the concerns raised by sport scientists and others involved in the sport community (coaches and administrators), the importance of athlete

Emotional Burnout

Burnout is a set of negative human reactions to prolonged experienced stress on the job, especially reactions to exposure to stressors in the social environment at work. The burnout itself is also prolonged or chronic in the sense that it tends to last over a period rather than be an acute, short-term reaction. Furthermore, it

Burnout: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

This article on burnout within the realm of health psychology explores the multifaceted dimensions of this pervasive phenomenon. The introduction provides a concise definition of burnout, underscores its significance in health psychology, and elucidates the purpose of the article. The causes of burnout are systematically examined in the first body section, delineating work-related, individual, and

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