
Career Planning Survey

The Career Planning Survey is a paper-based career assessment system designed to help students in Grades 8 through 10 identify and explore personally relevant occupations and high school courses. The assessment elements consist of an interest inventory, an inventory of ability self-estimates, and two optional academic ability tests. In addition, students can complete checklists assessing

Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire

Dealing with career indecision has long been a focus of theory and research, and helping clients to overcome their difficulties in making decisions is among the core roles of career counseling. The Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ) is based on the taxonomy of career decision-making difficulties proposed by Gati, Krausz, and Osipow and was developed

Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale

The Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE) was developed by Karen Taylor and Nancy Betz in order to apply Albert Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy expectations to the domain of career decision making. Career decision self-efficacy was originally defined by Taylor and Betz as the individual’s belief that he or she can successfully complete tasks necessary in

Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory

The Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (CASI) is a 130-item, paper and pencil, self-report assessment by John L. Holland and Gary D. Gottfredson. The CASI is intended to give the employed or unemployed adult client and career counselor information regarding the client’s likelihood of job stability or change, potential career obstacles, or areas for further

Career Certifications ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Professional certification serves to identify individuals  who  have  obtained  or  maintained  qualifications to perform a specific work responsibility or task. Furthermore, certification indirectly serves to safeguard  the  public  interest  by  assuring  that  the public  can  identify  qualified  professionals.  In  the United  States,  the  Association  for  Applied  Sport Psychology (AASP) certifies master’s and doctoral trained  professionals 

Career Transition ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The term transition has been employed in various academic fields to explain a process of changes in a  certain  phenomenon,  such  as  economic,  political,  biological,  and  psychological  changes.  The concept  of  transition  in  psychology  is  closely related  to  individuals’  period  of  change  and  lifespan  development  based  on  one’s  aging  (e.g., retirement),  development  (e.g.,  entering  to 

Career Assistance Programs ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

In order to prepare athletes for and support them during  transitions,  career  assistance  programs (CAPs)  have  been  developed  by  elite  sport  organizations  like  a  national  sport  governing  body, universities,  and  private  organizations.  These CAPs generally consist of an integrated and comprehensive  combination  of  workshops,  seminars, educational  modules,  individual  counseling,  and referral   networks  providing   individualized   or

Career Transitions ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Career  transitions  are  turning  phases  in  athletes’ career  development.  Therefore,  they  should  be first  defined  in  terms  of  their  place  in  the  career context.  The  broadest  career  term  in  psychology is  a  life  career  that  encompasses  an  individual’s life-long development and achievements in various activities and spheres of life that unfold in a particular historical

Protean Career

The protean career is a name given to describe a career that is driven by the individual and not by the organization. The concept of the protean career dates to 1976, when in the book Careers in Organizations, Douglas T. Hall noted an emerging type of career form that was less dependent upon the organization

Organizational Career Management

This comprehensive view of organizational career management systems discusses the portfolio of career planning and management practices available to organizations and explores ways by which organizations can use career systems to meet their needs. It focuses on organizational career management: what it is, why it is needed, and what it does. Special attention is given

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