
Community Video

Community video is one form of community media. It is best defined by its objective, which is to stimulate participation in public affairs. The defining phrase might be “with the people, not just about them.” John Grierson, in the late 1920s in the UK, began writing about its possibilities. His persuasive pen and leadership attracted

Family and Community

From the earliest days of sociology, family and community have been central concerns of the discipline. The dense interpenetration of these two dimensions of life was associated in particular with simple societies. This is especially evident in the work of early social thinkers such as the German Ferdinand Tonnies and the Frenchman Frederick Le Play.

Community Policing and Crisis Intervention Team Model

Community policing is defined as the establishment and use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques to address public safety concerns, such as the rise of crime in a particular geographic area. Over the decades, policing in the United States has changed from a two-pronged system with a volunteer patrol and a pay-per-warrant force to a unified

Community Media

The concept of community media is understood as referring to small media institutions, often specifically to radio stations established in the so-called developing countries. These media have become ever more popular in recent years. However, the history of the concept is considerably older and more complicated. The objective of community media is to create local

Community Notification Policies

Community notification policies seek to prevent crime, raise awareness, or otherwise educate the public about criminal activity by requiring or permitting the police or other community actors to disseminate information to the public. Policies can focus on potential victims, potential offenders, the community at large, or some combination of these three. Victim-oriented policies seek to

Community Integration

Community integration is a compound concept derived from sociology that addresses the two central questions of (1) how communities are formed, reproduce, grow, and change; and (2) what continually integrates or binds them together. The field of communications adds a third dimension, asking (3) what role communication plays in forming, sustaining, and integrating communities. Through

Community Structure Model

The community structure model explores links among community characteristics, media content, and effects of exposure to media content from a system perspective. Focusing on macro-constructs associated with media content and media effects, the community structure approach rejects the perspective that all studies of media and audiences can be reduced to the individual level of psychological

Community Policing and Racial Relations

This article delves into the multifaceted realm of community policing and racial relations within the context of the US criminal justice system. Beginning with an elucidation of Community Policing’s core principles and historical evolution, the introduction sets the stage for an exploration of its pivotal role in fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and communities.

Community Response to Gay and Lesbian Domestic Violence

Perceptions of Domestic Violence Most people generally define domestic violence as a social problem between men and women. Specifically, it is believed that domestic violence involves men physically, sexually, or emotionally assaulting women with the specific intent of causing them harm. Therefore, domestic violence is frequently considered a problem that occurs only between men and

Urban Community Studies

Urban community studies consist of a range of case studies, comparisons, and local analyses that explore the local cultures, relationships, interactions and identities. As cities in the US experienced rapid growth during the early twentieth century, sociologists speculated about how the interactions and relationships in these urban settings would be influenced by a swelling population

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