
Juvenile Correctional Facilities

This article explores the pivotal role of juvenile correctional facilities within the United States’ criminal justice process. Beginning with a historical overview, it traces the evolution of juvenile justice, elucidating key legislative milestones and the philosophical shifts influencing the establishment and development of these facilities. The subsequent section delves into the intricate structure and operations

Correctional Healthcare Services

This article explores the pivotal role of correctional healthcare services within the intricate framework of the United States criminal justice process. The introduction sets the stage by emphasizing the significance of healthcare provision in correctional facilities and elucidating its profound impact on the overall criminal justice system. The historical overview traces the evolution of correctional

The Role of Correctional Officers

This article delves into the pivotal role of correctional officers in the United States criminal justice system. Beginning with a historical exploration, it traces the evolution of correctional officers, highlighting key milestones and contextualizing their duties within shifting legal and societal landscapes. The subsequent section meticulously examines the multifaceted responsibilities of correctional officers, encompassing the

Types of Correctional Facilities

This article delves into the intricate landscape of correctional facilities within the United States’ criminal justice system. Beginning with an elucidation of the significance of correctional facilities, the narrative traces their evolution and presents a thorough examination of adult correctional facilities, encompassing various prison classifications and distinctions between prisons and jails. The exploration extends to

Correctional Boot Camps

The term correctional boot camps refers to correctional programs that involve a relatively short period of placement (90–180 days) in a setting similar in environment, attitude, and activities to military basic training or boot camp. The offenders, often referred to as cadets, involved in a correctional boot camp program are required to participate in military-style

Technology in Correctional Facilities

This article delves into the multifaceted realm of technology within correctional facilities in the United States. Commencing with an elucidation of the term, the introduction navigates through the historical evolution of technology integration in the criminal justice process, elucidating the pivotal role it plays. The subsequent sections intricately explore the diverse applications of technology in

History of Correctional Psychology

Lindner (1955) pinpointed 1913 as the date when psychological services were first offered in a U.S. correctional facility, specifically a women’s reformatory in the state of New York. Watkins (1992) identified the psychologist as Eleanor Rowland, who was asked to devise a test battery to identify offenders who would benefit from educational programs and be

Correctional Counseling

The corrections population in the United States comprises inmates in federal and state prisons, territorial prisons, local jails, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities as well as military and juvenile facilities, and this population differs across a multitude of variables compared to nonincarcerated populations. Each of these variables individually and collectively creates challenges in

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