
Tlingit Culture

The name Tlingit means in the people. These Native Americans continue to inhabit many of their aboriginal village sites along the southeastern coast of Alaska. Foraging people, they were well adapted to hunting and gathering in rugged temperate rain forest and at sea. Tlingit came to depend on income from fur trapping and an active

Oldowan Culture

The Oldowan is the earliest of the Lower Paleolithic or Early Stone Age typological “cultures.” At present, the earliest Oldowan sites date from about 2.6 my and come from Gona, in the Afar region of Ethiopia. The Oldowan industry terminates at about 1.6 my, which coincides with the beginning of the Acheulean. The Developed Oldowan

Culture and Careers

Culture is defined as the beliefs and values that shape the customs, norms, and practices of groups of people that help them solve the problems of everyday living. Thus, culture influences the Culture and careers refers to the way that culture influences the way people work, the way they make decisions about work, and how

Nazca Culture

Nazca culture, also known as Nasca, flourished in southern Peru during the period around A.D. 1 to A.D. 700. The Nazca culture emerged in distinct stages: Early, Middle, and Late, with a Classic period between A.D. 250 and A.D. 750, the time during which the Nazca lines were constructed. From studies of ceramic designs in

Natufian Culture

Since Dorothy A. E. Garrod’s 1928 excavations at a cave in Wadi en-Natuf (located about 10 miles northwest of Jerusalem), archaeologists have continued to define and explain the distinctive cultural phase that is called “Natufian.” As the type-site for this cultural subdivision of the late Epipalaeolithic period, Shuqba Cave’s Layer B yielded a configuration of

Llano Culture

Llano culture refers to late Pleistocene North American people on the Llano Estacado, or Southern High Plains, who used distinctive stone projectile points, known as Clovis points, to hunt mammoths. Formal description of the Llano culture during the 1950s established it as the oldest known prehistoric archaeological culture in North America and reinforced the notion

Language and Culture

Attempts by linguists and anthropologists to understand humankind have always focused on two areas: culture and society and language and communication. It is somewhat unnatural, however, to separate the study of language from the study of culture, as doing so can limit attempts to characterize the development of peoples and how they create communities and

Culture and Health Communication

It is widely recognized that cultural norms, values, beliefs, and practices vary among population sub-groups, and influence how members of a group seek, understand, process, communicate, and act upon information about health. Ignoring these cultural differences during health and medical system interactions can have serious consequences that lead to or exacerbate disparities in health status

Visual Culture

Visual culture is an area of study focused on practices of looking and the role of visual representations in the arts, popular and alternative media cultures, institutional and professional contexts, and everyday life. Art history, film and media studies,  cultural studies, sociology, and anthropology are some of the fields in which visual culture study is

Folk Culture

To fully understand the concept of folk culture, we must first separate the two words and define them individually, then rejoin them to completely comprehend the term’s overall concept. Folk, or folkways, are routine conventions of everyday life. They are the customary ways that people act: eating, personal hygiene, dressing, and so on. Folkways are

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