
Emotional Development

Emotional development comprises the emergence of the experience, expression, understanding, and regulation of emotions from birth and the growth and change in these capacities throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The development of emotions occurs in transaction with neural, cognitive, and behavioral development and emerges within a particular social and cultural context. Emotional Development In Infancy

Fine Motor Development

One cannot help but marvel at the accomplishments of a skilled pianist, athlete, or craftsman. Even those without exceptional proficiencies display remarkable abilities for fine motor control. As I am typing,  my  fingers  are  moving  rapidly  in  varying order and with remarkable spatial and temporal precision. We all perform everyday tasks, such as tying our

Talent Development

How do talented children become elite adult athletes? Many young people start on the road toward becoming  professional  athletes,  but  few  achieve this  level  of  performance.  The  development  of talent  across  a  range  of  achievement  domains, such  as  music,  art,  science,  and  sport,  is  a  classic  area  of  psychological  research.  Over  the  past 20  years 


Development is systematic change over time. In humans, development is the sequence of physical and psychological changes that occurs as people age. Scholars have studied human development with regard to physical growth and maturation, motor functioning, perceptual capacities, cognitive capacities and skills, emotional repertoire and functioning, social relationships, moral capacities and tendencies, and psychopathology, among

Ego Development

Ego development refers to the evolution of a personality construct that synthesizes experience into a coherent sense of how individuals view themselves. In this way, the ego development is at the center of the investigation of human experience. In another, it is an attempt to fathom the organization of one’s own mind; a process one

Cross-Cultural Development

Everyone is born into a cultural environment. Cultures vary widely in belief systems, settings, languages, and processes of transmission, such as child socialization and teaching. Culture also provides a set of “rules” for interaction and a kind of blueprint for human development. The study of cross-cultural development is concerned with the varieties of human behavior

What is Career Development?

Career development is, for most people, a lifelong process of getting ready to choose, choosing, and, usually, continuing to make choices from among available occupations in our society. Each individual undertaking this process is influenced by educational, economic, sociological, cultural, geographical, physical, psychological (e.g., interests, skills), and chance factors. Work may be defined as a

Brain Development

Humans share many similarities with other animals, including the ability to experience sensations, exhibit motor behavior, and even socialize. However, we are clearly different in many important regards. For example, unlike any other animal, humans possess the unique ability to produce and understand language, experience complex emotions, and perform higher cognitive functions. Not surprisingly, each

Child Development and Pediatric Neuropsychology

This article explores the intricate interplay between child development and pediatric neuropsychology within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with an introduction that delineates the significance of child development and outlines the scope of pediatric neuropsychology, the article proceeds to dissect the multifaceted factors influencing child development, ranging from genetic and biological influences to environmental

Childhood Development of Self-Regulation Skills

This article explores the complex process of childhood development of self-regulation skills within the domain of health psychology. The introduction illuminates the fundamental definition of self-regulation and its paramount role in overall well-being, establishing the foundation for the ensuing exploration. The first section examines the multifaceted factors influencing childhood self-regulation, spanning biological determinants such as

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