
Healthy Diet for June 13 – Eating Japanese Style ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

What comes to mind when you think of Japanese food? Rice, sushi, tofu, vegetables? An artfully presented tray of all those things? Beyond beauty, Japanese eating is healthful eating. It’s mostly low in fat and low in calories, with most food energy from carbohydrate-rich foods, such as rice and noodles. It features plenty of fish

Healthy Diet for May 5 – Eating Mexican Style ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Ole! Celebrate Mexican independence day with Mexican food or its Tex-Mex cousin, two of America’s most popular ethnic cuisines. Mexican menus deliver nutrition benefits from some common ingredients. Meat and poultry portions are sensible in size—providing enough, but not excessive, protein. Beans not only supply protein; they’re iron- and fiber-rich, too. Tomato salsas are loaded

What is Eating Disorders? ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Disturbances in eating behavior and attitudes severe enough to warrant a diagnosis affect perhaps some 6 percent of all adolescent and adult women in this country, making it one of the most common psychiatric disorders to affect this population. There are four categories of eating disorders recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Binge Eating ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Binge Eating Definition Binge eating is eating a large amount of food in a small amount of time. It is distinguished from overeating because it is accompanied by a feeling of a loss of self-control while eating. The process of the binge is engrossing, pleasant, and can have a frantic quality. At some point the

Eating Disorders ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The  eating  disorders  of  anorexia  nervosa  and bulimia  nervosa  are  characterized  by  severe  disturbances  in  body  image,  eating,  and  engaging in  compensatory  behaviors  that  result  in  serious medical,  psychological,  and  social  problems.  For example,  eating  disorders  increase  the  risk  of obesity,  nutritional  deficiencies,  depression  and anxiety  disorders,  chronic  pain,  osteoporosis, insomnia,  neurological  symptoms,  cardiovascular problems

Eating Disorders

The  eating  disorders  of  anorexia  nervosa  and bulimia  nervosa  are  characterized  by  severe  disturbances  in  body  image,  eating,  and  engaging in  compensatory  behaviors  that  result  in  serious medical,  psychological,  and  social  problems.  For example,  eating  disorders  increase  the  risk  of obesity,  nutritional  deficiencies,  depression  and anxiety  disorders,  chronic  pain,  osteoporosis, insomnia,  neurological  symptoms,  cardiovascular problems

Eating Disorders: Men and Body Dysmorphia

This article explores the intersection of eating disorders and body dysmorphia in men within the realm of health psychology. The introduction provides an overview of eating disorders, dispels myths surrounding their prevalence in men, and discusses societal pressures contributing to the development of these disorders. The second section delves into the concept of body dysmorphia

Preventing Eating Disorders in Youth

This article explores the imperative task of preventing eating disorders in youth within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with an elucidation of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder, the introduction underscores the prevalence and detrimental impact on youth health. Recognizing the long-term consequences of these disorders, the article posits the

Eating Disorders and Comorbid Psychopathology

This article delves into the intricate relationship between eating disorders and comorbid psychopathology within the domain of health psychology. The introduction establishes the significance of understanding this intersection, outlining the prevalence and incidence rates of eating disorders while emphasizing the importance of examining their concurrent mental health conditions. The subsequent sections explore the three major

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