
Elderly Defendants

As the average life span increases, the population of elders involved in the court system grows. Thus, there has been some concern about how elders are treated when in court, in prison, and on death row. Elders on Trial Although research is limited, some studies have shown that elders are perceived to be less credible

Elderly Eyewitnesses

As the potential pool of elder witnesses continues to expand with the aging U.S. population, the age group referred to in the literature as older adults or seniors has become of greater interest to researchers. The group typically comprises healthy, active members of the com-munity falling into the 60- to 80-year age band. Older eyewitnesses

Elderly Eyewitnesses

As the potential pool of elder witnesses continues to expand with the aging U.S. population, the age group referred to in the literature as older adults or seniors has become of greater interest to researchers. The group typically comprises healthy, active members of the community falling into the 60- to 80-year age band. Older eyewitnesses

Elderly Defendants

As the average life span increases, the population of elders involved in the court system grows. Thus, there has been some concern about how elders are treated when in court, in prison, and on death row. Elders on Trial Although research is limited, some studies have shown that elders are perceived to be less credible

Counseling the Elderly

The continued growth of the elderly population in society has placed renewed focus on providing older adults with quality mental health care. The aging of the baby boomers in combination with research indicating that psychotherapy is effective with an older population highlights the need for those with expertise in counseling the elderly. Providing therapeutic services

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