
Ethnic Identity

Ethnic identity, broadly defined, is a dynamic and multidimensional construct that represents the part of one’s self-concept that is derived from a sense of belonging and commitment to a particular ethnic group. Other key components of ethnic identity include self-identification, the importance of ethnicity in one’s life, ethnic group affiliation, positive feelings and attitudes toward

Ethnic Differences in Psychopathy

Psychopathic personality disorder comprises a distinct collection of deviant affective, interpersonal, and behavioral features. Results of psychopathy testing can sway life-altering decisions for the examinee, including granting of parole, outcome in sexually violent predator civil commitment trials, gaining access to treatment, and even being sentenced to death. Because the disorder is strongly predictive of violent

What is Ethnic Cleansing?

Ethnic cleansing has two central elements. It is a cultural and political project to construct particular groups of people as dirt and other groups of people as legitimate citizens. It is a military project to remove (or cleanse) the “dirt” in order to allow the “legitimate” citizens to live in an “unpolluted” territory. People are

What is Ethnic Identity?

In our increasingly diverse society, issues of race and ethnicity have become of utmost interest to psychologists. Ethnic identity refers to a person’s social identity within a larger context based on membership in a cultural or social group. Research about ethnic identity has come from various disciplines, including psychology,  sociology,  and  anthropology  and  thus has

Cultural, Ethnic and Racial Stereotyping

Stereotyping  represents  a  category-driven,  formulaic,  and  oversimplified  process  of  making  broad-brush  suppositions  and  generalizations  about  a group of people to whom specified sets of characteristics are attributed. The characteristics ascribed to  identified  groups  can  be  positive,  neutral,  or negative and can be originated and sustained relatively easily when there are clearly visible and discernibly  observable 

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