
Healthy Diet for June 27 – Exercise Your Heart ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Your heart beats faster and faster as your exercise gets more and more strenuous. Why? It’s pumping more oxygen, so your body can produce more and more energy. Like leg and arm muscles, your heart muscle needs regular workouts. But how fast is safe and healthy? Your target heart rate—beats per minute (bpm)—during a workout

Exercise Benefits ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Physical activity is bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above the basal level. In contrast, exercise denotes a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive in the sense that improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is the objective. Physical

Exercise and Quality of Life ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Quality of life (QOL) assessments are instrumental in  developing  a  more  comprehensive  understanding of the efficacy of disease prevention and health promotion  interventions.  There  is  growing  interest  in  delineating  the  role  of  exercise  in  enhancing QOL outcomes. Indeed, findings from multiple reviews  on  the  effect  of  exercise  on  QOL  reveal that exercise consistently results in

Sleep And Exercise ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Sleep  is  critical  to  normal  physiological  and  psychological  function,  and  people  spend  nearly  one third of their lives asleep. Usual sleep duration is considered to be between 7 and 9 hours per night for  healthy  adults.  The  different  stages  of  sleep have  historically  been  defined  according  to  the 1968 classification rules of Alan Rechtschaffen and Anthony

Neuroscience, Exercise, and Cognitive Function ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

In the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, human  cognition  is  broadly  defined  as  a  component  of  brain  function  that  includes  information processing,  memory,  attention,  perception,  language,  and  executive  function  related  to  decision making  (DM)  and  the  initiation  or  inhibition  of behavior. In the context of sport and exercise psychology,  researchers  have  been  interested  in 

Effects Of Exercise On Energy – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

For  more  than  100  years,  researchers  have  noted how exercise enhances the subjective sense of mental and physical energy. Affect refers to the quality of a subjective mental state along the dimensions of  valence  (pleasant  or  positive  vs.  unpleasant  or negative)  and  activation  (alert  or  activated  vs. sleepy  or  deactivated).  This  entry  will  summarize research

Exercise Dependence – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Many people become physically active to improve their health and to look and feel better. But physical activity may become addictive for a small proportion  (3%–5%)  of  the  population.  It  is  important to emphasize that while exercise may represent an addictive  behavior  for  some  people  who  engage in  it  to  an  extreme  and  unhealthy  level, 

Interventions For Exercise And Physical Activity – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Interventions  in  the  field  of  exercise  or  physical activity (PA) psychology focus on issues related to health rather than on issues related to performance in sport. Exercise, by definition, suggests a form of PA that is often structured and undertaken with the aim of improving fitness. However, health benefits can be obtained from more incidental

Effects of Exercise on Addiction – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Exercise  has  been  proposed  as  a  potential  treatment  to  help  people  quit  smoking  and,  more recently,  to  treat  addictions  to  alcohol  and  other drugs of abuse. This entry discusses the rationale and empirical support for the use of exercise as a treatment for addiction. Rationale Exercise  has  been  proposed  as  a  stand-alone  or supplementary treatment

Exercise and Fitness

Exercise, physical activity, and fitness are distinct but interrelated concepts (Caspersen et al. 1985). Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle, while exercise is planned and repeated physical activity that is structured into individuals’ lives with the purpose of maintaining or improving some attribute of either health or skill (i.e., fitness). Exercise

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