
Gender and High School Violence

The issue of crime and violence in high schools cannot be fully appreciated apart from gender considerations. Gender is a significant factor in power constructs, especially among young people. Behavior among students both reflects the gender relations of adults in the current generation and shapes the gender relations of the next generation of adults. Furthermore

Gender and College Violence

Campus crime in general, and gender-based violence in particular, attracted considerable attention during the 1990s. This attention has continued into the 21st century. One of the highest-profile crimes involved the on-campus rape and murder of Jeanne Clery, a1 9-year-old freshman who was killed in her dormitory at Lehigh University in 1986. Following Clery’s murder, public

Gender and Sports

Gender refers to the socially constructed differences between women and men, while the term ‘‘sex’’ is a reference to the biological and physical differences between males and females. Gender draws attention to the socially unequal distinction between femininity and masculinity. Femininity is used to describe characteristic behaviors and emotions of females and masculinity refers to

Rhetoric and Gender

Rhetoric is the art and study of human symbol use. As a discipline, rhetoric began in ancient Greece as a practical art of persuasion, applied principally to political, legal, and judicial contexts. Gender refers to the cultural constructs of masculinity and femininity imposed upon biological sex by any particular culture – what it means to

Gender and Crime

Gender has become one of the most reliable predictors of crime, especially violent crime. Governmental, crime victim, public, private, and self-reporting data sources are consistent in indicating adult males commit more crimes and are more likely to repeat their crimes than their adult female counterparts. Even with juvenile data denoting marked increases in girls committing

Archaeology and Gender Studies

Deconstructing Gender and Sex Issues of gender presence and interrelations for the past have increasingly been focused upon in the last two decades in the English-speaking archaeological community. Conkey and Spector are widely credited with the first paper to systematically examine the application of feminist approaches and insights to archaeological practice and theory. Studies were

Feminist and Gender Studies

Feminist and gender studies represent key fields of research within communication studies today. It is difficult to discuss their emergence and developments as two separate entities, as the two often overlap. However, it can be noted that mainstream forms of gender studies research tend to differ from feminist studies politically, theoretically, and methodologically. As Dow

Gender in Sport

Gender has a clear and powerful influence in society,  and  a  particularly  powerful  and  persistent influence  in  sport  and  exercise.  Indeed,  the  sport world  seems  to  exaggerate  and  highlight  gender. Sport  and  physical  activities  remain  largely  sex segregated  and  male  dominated.  Gender  is  so embedded that trying to be nonsexist and treating everyone the same

Gender Differences in Contraceptive Responsibility

This article delves into the intricate landscape of gender differences in contraceptive responsibility within the realm of health psychology. Against the backdrop of evolving societal attitudes towards reproductive health, the introduction highlights the significance of contraception and sets the stage for an exploration. The body of the article unfolds in three parts, beginning with an

Gender Differences

There are differences between men and women, but most scientific studies show that gender differences in psychological characteristics are small. Men and women do not have radically different brains, personality traits, cognitive skills, or behaviors. There are some differences on average, but men and women are not the black versus white opposites that many people

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