
Bona Fide Groups

The bona fide group construct grew out of a concern over the external validity and generalizability of studies conducted on zero-history, laboratory groups. More than just a focus on studying naturally occurring groups, a bona fide group perspective focuses on characteristics of naturally occurring groups that do not exist in laboratory groups. The first conceptualization

Focus Groups ⋆ Beauty Industry ⋆ Lifestyle

Many  beauty  industry manufacturers and  distributors use  focus  groups to help determine whether their  product is appealing, delivers  its intended material, and elicits  the  desired consumer response. Such  groups help  the  maker  determine whether they have gotten it right. While some may be volunteer groups assembled through advertising, others are paid as test groups of

Blood Groups

Distinguished by particular cell membrane surface antigens (protein markers) on red blood cells (RBCs), there have been over 35 different blood groups identified thus far. Although these include groups such as MNSs, Duffy, Lewis and so on, the ABO and Rh blood groups play the most significant role in blood transfusions. The frequency and stability

Ethnic Groups

Ethnic groups are fundamental units of social organization which consist of members who define themselves, or are defined, by a sense of common historical origins that may also include religious beliefs, a similar language, or a shared culture. Their continuity over time as distinct groups is achieved through the inter generational transmission of culture, traditions

Work Groups

Organizations seeking to promote productivity, better service, fewer errors, and improved safety as well as remain competitive in changing environments are turning to work teams and groups. Work groups have become a preferred performance improvement intervention in the last decade. So now we have a plethora of theories, methodologies, tools, and strategies to understand and

Focus Groups

Focus groups are one of the fundamental qualitative data-collection tools used in industrial and organizational psychology. According to R. A. Krueger (1994), a focus group is a carefully planned discussion that is designed to obtain perceptions about a defined area of interest in a permissive and nonthreatening environment. It can be used to explore a multitude

Self-Help Groups

Self-help groups consist of individuals who share the same problem or concern. Group members provide emotional support to one another, learn ways to cope, discover strategies for improving their condition, and help others while helping themselves. Self-help groups, also referred to as support groups or mutual help groups, are cost-free, voluntary groups that have no

Groups Research Topics

Group Definition There is no consensus among social psychologists on the defining characteristics of a group. Nearly all definitions, however, emphasize that a group is not a mere aggregation of individuals. Rather, two or more individuals become a group to the extent that they are bonded together in some way, which generally means that they

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