
Mental Health Considerations in Parole and Probation

This article delves into the pivotal role of mental health considerations within the context of parole and probation in the United States criminal justice system. Beginning with an exploration of the definition and significance of parole and probation, the article navigates through the multifaceted landscape of mental health assessment in these processes. It elucidates the

Mental Health Services in Corrections

This article explores the pivotal role of mental health services within the corrections system in the United States. The introduction establishes the critical context by emphasizing the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice process, underlining the significance of addressing mental health issues in correctional settings. The subsequent sections delve into key aspects, beginning

Health And Safety ⋆ Beauty and Health, Beauty Treatments ⋆ Lifestyle

Since  1938,  the  U.S.  Food  and  Drug Administration (FDA) has  regulated the safety, rather than the efficacy, of cosmetic products. The regulation of cosmetics, ensuring some measure of safety to its users, was the result  of problems caused by cosmetics, from redness and swelling to blindness, paralysis,  and death. In the  late 19th  century, women

Occupational Health Psychology

The goal of occupational health psychology (OHP) is to improve the quality of work life, and to protect and promote the health of workers and of their families. OHP is interdisciplinary, involving most areas of psychology and drawing upon fields such as public health, sociology, medicine, and industrial engineering. OHP is typically characterized as having

Suicide ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Suicide is the act of intentionally taking one’s own life. The study of suicide is essential because suicide is so pernicious and claims the lives of numerous people yearly. Those attempting suicide are experiencing a tremendous amount of psychological pain, and are likely to feel a great deal of hopelessness about their future. Epidemiology Even

Technology and Health ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Over the past four decades, computer technology has improved exponentially while cost has decreased. Personal computers (PCs) are more sophisticated, and PC-based programming languages are powerful yet relatively easy to use. Technological applications to health psychology practice are considerable in number and scope. As managed care places new demands on health care service provision, it

Testosterone ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Testosterone Definition Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. Testosterone is released into the bloodstream by the testes (testicles) in males and to a lesser extent, by the adrenal cortex and ovaries in females. Not only does testosterone influence the growth and development of masculine physical characteristics

Women’s Health ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Virtually every woman can expect to experience at least one chronic illness or disorder in her lifetime, and the incidence of chronic health problems increases with age. By age 55 years, more than 80% of women experience at least one chronic health problem. Major attention to and support for women’s health research has only emerged

Self-Efficacy ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Self-efficacy is the centerpiece of a theory of human agency developed by psychologist Albert Bandura of Stanford University. In his 1997 book, Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, Bandura defined self-efficacy as consisting of “beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments” (p. 3). Very simply, self-efficacy

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