
Healthy Diet for February 29 Leap to Health ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Run, walk, jump, leap—commemorate Leap Year’s bonus day in action. Consider these 24 hours as “found time” to get active, stay active, or become even more active. Spread it out in 10-minute increments, or do your 60 minutes a day of moderate activity all at once. Either way, you benefit. Here’s how: Trimmer body. Being

Healthy Diet for March 1 – Smart Eating ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Are eating healthy and active living important to you? An overwhelming 85 percent of American consumers say it is, according to a recent survey. Hungry for timely nutrition information? Almost 60 percent of consumers say they are. So where do you go for reliable advice? See a qualified professional: a registered dietitian (RD) with a

Healthy Diet for March 2 – Got You? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Have a “gut reaction” (intestinal discomfort) to milk? Thirty million Americans are lactose intolerant. The “dairy” good news: If you’re lactose intolerant, you probably still can enjoy milk with your cookies. Lactose intolerance isn’t a milk allergy. Instead the body simply doesn’t make enough of the enzyme lactase to digest lactose properly. Lactose sensitivity varies;

Healthy Diet for March 3 – Sweet Potatoes ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Have a sweet tooth? Nibble a sweet potato! Think about this. One-half cup of sweet potatoes delivers more beta carotene (antioxidant) than 12 cups of broccoli. Sweet potatoes also supply vitamin E, another antioxidant, and potassium, too. Raw sweet potatoes make an easy low-calorie, nearly fat-free snack. They deliver fiber, even more with the peel

Healthy Diet for March 4 – Eat Out, Eat Right ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Remember when eating out was a special occasion? That’s changed! On average, today’s American consumers eat out more than four times a week and spend more than 46 percent of their food dollars away from home. That said, eating out needs as much smart-eating attention as eating in. When you eat out, order wisely, savor

Healthy Diet for March 5 – Work in a Workout ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do you work in a daily workout? Too busy? Overloaded family demands and workday? You don’t need to make a huge time commitment to make health-promoting moves. For an everyday active lifestyle: Put physical activity on your calendar. Schedule it for first thing in the day or before preparing supper. Like brushing your teeth, make

Healthy Diet for March 6 – Well “Thaw-t” Out ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

How do you thaw frozen foods? In the fridge? In the microwave oven? Under running water? Or do you risk food-borne illness by thawing food on your kitchen counter? Bacteria that cause food-borne illness grow fastest between 40° and 140°F. A single bacterium can multiply to trillions in 24 hours. Cool is the rule during

Healthy Diet for March 7 – Hot Claim Check ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Pushing your cart through the grocery store aisles? Will you buy the cereal labeled with “more,” the juice with “added,” or the bottled water labeled as “fortified”? Before you slip products into your cart, use these consumer tactics to pick what’s right for you: Learn the language. Know that label terms like “more calcium” or

Healthy Diet for March 8 – Feel Like a Nut? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Nuts to you! Just a small handful of nuts is packed with protein, other nutrients, fiber, and health-protective plant substances. Stick to a small serving so calories don’t add up. In fact, 11/2 ounces of nuts a day may reduce your chance of heart disease if the sat fats and cholesterol in your food choices

Healthy Diet for March 9 – Confront Emotional Eating ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Feeling stressed, angry, or bored? Hungry or not, do you check out the refrigerator or vending machine? Mood-triggered eating can turn into poor nutrition that leads to excess calories and unwanted weight gain. That may cycle to more negative feelings—perhaps guilt or poor self-esteem. So stress won’t get the best of you: Try positive self-talk.

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