
History of American Beauty Industry ⋆ History of Beauty Industry ⋆ Lifestyle

30,000 B.C.E. Haircutting tools  have been  located from this era. 3500 B.C.E. Egyptians use eye makeup and cosmetics and have a rich array of beauty and health regimens. 600 B.C.E.  The  nose  (rhinoplasty) becomes the  first part  of the  body  to be surgically altered  for  aesthetic purposes, by the  Indian surgeon Sushruta, and the procedure

History of Career Counseling

Career counseling, or vocational guidance as it was originally known, has a long history within the counseling professions. Career counseling was born in the United States in the latter 19th century out of societal upheaval, transition, and change. This new profession was described by historians as a progressive social reform movement aimed at eradicating poverty

History of Media Effects

The established history of media effects research is characterized by a series of phases marked by fundamental paradigm shifts (see McQuail 1977, 72 –74; 2005, 457– 462; Lowery & DeFleur 1983, 22 –29; Severin & Tankard 2001, 262 –268; Baran & Davis 2006, 8 –17). Each of these phases is associated with particular concepts, researchers

History of Journalism

The history of journalism, inclusively defined, encompasses the history of news and news media, including, among other things, the history of print, broadcast, and computer technology; of news work, news routines, and news workers; and of news organizations, including newspapers and other media outlets as well as wire services and feature syndicates. Defined more narrowly

History of Global Media

The first phase of a truly global media network ran from the 1860s through the 1920s. Two major interpretations of this era are available. One, long established, emphasizes how aggressive nation-states deployed communication firms to further their own economic and political goals in carving up the planet. Another, more recent, reads the period as one

History of Career Theory

This article outlines the main schools within the broad area of career theory, which here have been defined as (a) a sociological perspective focusing on the structural influences over one’s working life and the interplay between individuals and institutions, (b) an “individual differences” or vocational perspective concentrating on fitting round pegs into round career holes

History Of Interactions Between Psychology And The Law

Questions of potential interactions between psychology and the law existed long before the founding of the United States or the establishment of a separate United State legal system. For example, Francis Bacon (1857) expressed concerns that inappropriate psychological motives held by some actors in the legal system could compromise the system. He suggested that the

History of Genetics

In its broadest sense, genetics is the science of biological variation. It focuses on variation that results from inheritance, the process by which characters are passed from parents to their offspring. This often places genetics in contrast to the environment, even though one is not sufficient without the other. For thousands of years, humans have

History of Family

European societies during the nineteenth century underwent massive changes. The old social order anchored in kinship, the village, the community, religion, and old regimes was attacked and fell to the twin forces of industrialism and revolutionary democracy. The sweeping changes had particular effect on the family. There was a dramatic increase in such conditions as

History Of Exercise Psychology – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The  history  of  exercise  psychology  is  closely intertwined  with  the  history  of  sport  psychology. Although discussed in separate entries in this encyclopedia,  the  history  of  sport  and  exercise psychology can be considered as one history, with some differing paths and forks, but continual connections.  That  history  has  roots  going  back  into classical  times,  as  reflected 

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