
Hostile Working Environment

A hostile working environment is an evolving theory of discrimination that derives from various federal antidiscrimination statutes that prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability, or age (for persons 40 years and older). This theory recognizes that it is discriminatory for an employer to subject an employee

Hostile Attribution Bias

Hostile Attribution Bias Definition The hostile attribution bias (HAB) is the tendency to interpret the behavior of others, across situations, as threatening, aggressive, or both. People who exhibit the HAB think that ambiguous behavior of others is hostile and often directed toward them, while those who do not exhibit the HAB interpret the behavior in

Hostile Media Bias

Hostile Media Bias Definition During George W. Bush’s first presidency, conservative writers Ann Coulter and Bernard Goldberg published books accusing the U.S. mainstream media of liberal bias. Liberal writer Al Franken replied with a book that denied liberal media bias and claimed that the same news outlets had right-wing economic and editorial leanings. Contradictory media

Hostile Masculinity Syndrome

Hostile Masculinity Syndrome Definition Hostile masculinity syndrome refers to a personality profile that includes interrelated attitudes and emotions that may be grouped within two primary components: The first consists of hostile, distrustful, insecure feelings toward people, particularly women, accompanied by misogynous (woman-hating) attitudes, such as beliefs that rape victims secretly desire to be victimized. The

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