
Electronic Human Resources Management

Electronic human resources management (eHR) focuses on the use of technology to maintain employee records and enhance human resources (HR) processes, including job analysis, recruitment, selection, training, performance management, and compensation. There has been an increased use of eHR systems in recent years because they are thought to (a) streamline HR processes, (b) reduce cycle

Psychopharmacology and Human Behavioral

Drugs play an increasingly large role in civilization, and especially among the patients or clients who are seen by mental health professionals. The drugs that counselors may encounter fall into two major categories, therapeutic and recreational. Therapeutic drugs may facilitate the clinical goals of the patients, but can also present unique problems that must be

Human Subjects Review

The World Wide Web has had a substantial impact on research methodology in counseling psychology and in the social and behavioral sciences in general. Indeed, the Internet offers opportunities for research in content areas where traditional methodologies have struggled and special samples have previously been difficult to recruit. However, the Internet also presents many challenges

Human Relations Movement

Viewing the Hawthorne Studies as the linchpin that connected scientific management to new thinking and practice, the human relations movement is the result. This entry approaches the human relations movement from three vantage points: Genesis and growth of the movement Key concepts and practices of the human relations movement Role of the movement in shaping

Theories of Human Development

This article delves into the multifaceted world of human development theories, exploring the intellectual legacies of prominent theorists who have shaped our understanding of how individuals grow and change over the lifespan. It provides an insightful journey through the Psychoanalytic Perspective, elucidating the stages of psychosexual development as conceptualized by Sigmund Freud and the psychosocial

Human Genome Project

Determining the sequence of the human genome has been compared in significance to Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon and to revealing the “book of life.” At the White House announcement of completion of a draft sequence, the achievement was described by President Clinton in 2000 as “Without a doubt . . . the

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

The  human  immunodeficiency  virus  (HIV)  is  a retrovirus. A retrovirus is a type of virus that has viral RNA in its nucleus instead of DNA. The primary targets of HIV in the human body are T4 or T-helper cells. T4 cells help to organize the immune system’s response against a foreign invader (e.g., virus, bacteria

Human Nature, Morality, And Society

The following describes philosophical developments in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The Enlightenment Project In the wake of scientific revolution, social thinkers of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment—the philosophes—began to rethink morals and government along scientific lines. Especially in France, where the most radical ideas abounded, they rejected tradition and religion. The key question was that of

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