
International Approaches to Crime Reduction

The pursuit of crime reduction is not the exclusive preserve of action by governments. Rather, it requires finding a balance between the protective efforts of individual citizens (and households) and collective action by government, from the local to the national or federal level. For some types of crime, such as cross-border trafficking, it may require

International Approaches to Crime Punishment

The questions concerning appropriate courses of action to reconstruct a viable polity in the aftermath of events that have included genocide or other forms of mass atrocity comprise one of the most perplexing dilemmas of the contemporary era. In dealing with past crimes, what remedies will best foster a healing process for the deep societal

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

The European Revolution of 1848 (alternately known as the Spring of Nations or the Year of Revolution) brought about the emergence of INTERPOL. It is an international organization that monitors transnational crimes across the globe and facilitates international police  cooperation. This article discusses the history of I NTERPOL, its structure, and its global role in

International Extradition

International extradition is the primary legal process by which one country responds to the request of a second country to send (extradite) suspected criminal offenders to face criminal charges in the second country. The person who is extradited (sometimes referred to as the fugitive or relator) may have fled the jurisdiction of the second country

Terrorism: International Perspectives

The phenomenon of terrorism has featured in history since the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution (1793–1794) but has changed considerably since then. Therefore, a term that was used originally to describe governmental actions is now mostly used to refer to actions committed against civilians and perpetrated by individuals or groups not directly linked

International Witness Protection Programs

This article delves into the intricate landscape of international witness protection programs within the United States’ criminal justice system, scrutinizing their evolution, operational mechanisms, and challenges. The introduction establishes the critical role of witnesses in criminal proceedings and the imperative for international witness protection. The subsequent sections meticulously unfold the historical development, organizational structure, and

Cybercrime and International Law

This article explores the intricate relationship between cybercrime and international law. Beginning with an in-depth analysis of the diverse nature of cybercrime, including hacking, identity theft, and cyberterrorism, the discussion delves into the inherent challenges associated with defining and prosecuting such offenses on a global scale. The second section elucidates the existing international legal framework

International Drug Trafficking Laws

This article provides a thorough examination of the legal frameworks surrounding international drug trafficking within the United States, emphasizing its global implications. The introduction delineates the broad scope of the issue, encompassing its definition and the significant impact on societies and economies worldwide. The overview of international drug trafficking laws explores the historical development of

International Parental Kidnapping and Child Abduction

This article provides an exploration of international parental kidnapping and child abduction within the context of the United States criminal justice process. The introduction outlines the phenomenon’s definition, significance, and the legal frameworks governing cross-border abduction cases. The first section delves into the causes and motivations behind international parental kidnapping, addressing intricate factors such as

Principles of International Criminal Law

This article explores the foundational principles of International Criminal Law (ICL) within the context of the global criminal justice process, with a focus on the United States. Beginning with a definition and historical background, the introduction underscores the significance of ICL on a global scale. The first section delves into the core principles, examining jurisdiction

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