
International Crime and Jurisdiction Issues

This article explores the intricate landscape of international crime and jurisdictional challenges within the context of the United States’ criminal justice system. The globalization of crime, encompassing transnational organized crime, cybercrime, and terrorism, demands an examination of the evolving nature of criminal activities. Analyzing jurisdictional challenges, the discussion delves into the complexities of extraterritorial jurisdiction

International Criminal Courts and Tribunals

This article delves into the realm of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals (ICCT), elucidating their pivotal role in the global criminal justice system. The introduction provides a contextual foundation by outlining the significance and defining key terms, emphasizing the role of ICCT in addressing and ensuring accountability for international crimes. The historical development section traces

International Perspectives on Race and Justice

This article explores international perspectives on race and justice within the context of the criminal justice process, with a particular focus on the United States. The introduction delineates the historical underpinnings and global significance of race and justice, setting the stage for an in-depth analysis. The historical overview traverses pre-modern, colonial, and post-colonial eras, examining

International E-Health – Health Economics – iResearchNet

With increasing globalization, countries have opened up their borders to trade in goods and services, often including health services. This has given rise to heated debates in the media and the academic and professional literature, with proponents arguing that it can improve efficiency and facilitate the sharing of ideas, although opponents argue that international trade

International Movement of Capital in Health Services – iResearchNet

There has been considerable debate in recent years regarding globalization of health services and its implications for exporting and importing economies. This debate has been sparked by the growing scope for cross border delivery of health services due to advances in information and communication technology, growing mobility of healthcare providers and patients, and commercialization of

International Trade in Health Services – Health Economics – iResearchNet

The first section of this article reviews the risks associated with cross-border trade as well as legal consequences of trade treaties, focusing on World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements. It also discusses three features of the WTO agreements, which provide space for addressing the tensions between the economic objectives of trade policy and public health objectives.

International Trade in Health Workers – iResearchNet

The international migration of skilled health workers (SHWs) has grown rapidly since the 1970s, become more complex, more global, and of concern to countries that lose workers from fragile health systems. As health care has become more commercialized, so too has migration, as part of a wider globalization of health services. Few parts of the

International Communication Association (ICA)

The International Communication Association (ICA) began more than 50 years ago as a small association of US researchers and is now a truly international association with more than 4,000 members in 76 countries. With its headquarters in Washington, DC, the ICA publishes four refereed journals (a fifth will begin in 2008), a yearbook, and a

International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) is an international professional organization in the field of media and communication research. Its aims are to promote global inclusiveness and excellence in research, to stimulate interest in media and communication research, to disseminate information about research results, and to provide a forum where researchers can

International Witness Protection Efforts

This article delves into the intricate realm of international witness protection efforts within the context of the criminal justice process, primarily focusing on the United States. The introduction provides a foundational understanding of witness protection, elucidating its evolution and significance. The first section meticulously explores the landscape of international witness protection programs, spotlighting the United

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