
Gender-Specific Issues in Corrections

This article explores gender-specific issues within the United States criminal justice process, focusing on corrections. The introduction provides a contextual backdrop to the broader criminal justice system and underscores the significance of addressing gender disparities within corrections. The subsequent sections delve into the gender-based disparities in arrests, sentencing, and incarceration rates, emphasizing the intersectionality of

Diversity Issues

In the early 1970s, the field of vocational psychology began to focus on diverse factors related to career development. Recent trends indicate a sustained increase in the vocational psychology and career development literature pertaining to diversity issues since the early 1990s. These shifts have been fueled in part by the changing demographic patterns in society

End-of-Life Issues

As the range of options for extending life and for hastening death continues to expand, so the range of issues faced by clinical evaluators also has grown. Among the most complex are those surrounding requests for assisted suicide, euthanasia, or the withdrawal or refusal of life-sustaining interventions. The availability of some of these alternatives varies

Issues in Hominization

One of the most important discoveries of recent times, related to our origins, is the verification of a close genetic affinity between human beings and chimpanzees. Such affinity is so significant (98.8%) that it is estimated that both phylogenetic lines that led to the two species had a common ancestor approximately 6 to 8 million

Legal Issues for Battered Women

It is a rare battered woman who does not find herself in the middle of a legal problem at some point in her relationship with the man who batters her. While it is acknowledged that at times the man is the victim and the woman is the perpetrator in heterosexual relationships, and same-sex partners also

Economic Issues in Diagnostic Imaging – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Diagnostic imaging uses noninvasive devices to visualize internal human anatomy and physiology. In higher-income, developed economies of the world there is enormous variation in the use and rate of growth of use of diagnostic imaging technology like computed tomography (CT). Even in high use jurisdictions like the US there is a large variation. Compared to

Ethical Issues in Correctional Facilities

This article delves into the ethical issues in correctional facilities in the United States, examining three primary facets: staff misconduct, the use of force, and the treatment of inmates. The exploration of staff misconduct encompasses definitions, examples, and preventative measures, shedding light on its profound impact on both inmates and the correctional system. The section

Statistical Issues in Economic Evaluations – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Introduction As health economic evaluation has become increasingly popular, so it has become much more common that individual patient data are collected alongside clinical trials. This has opened up the possibility of using statistical methods to analyze health economic data with the purposes of informing health economic evaluation. In this article, statistical methods for analyzing

Ethical Issues in Sports

Ethics  is  the  investigation  of  the  primary  moral assumptions held by individuals, organizations, or professions  that  are  used  to  help  members  make sound decisions about what is right and wrong. To expand on this definition, ethics refers to an organization’s attempts to protect the welfare of clients by developing, adopting, and enforcing guidelines that regulate

Ethical Issues

This article delves into the intricate landscape of ethical considerations within the field of school psychology, a discipline at the intersection of psychology, education, and legal responsibilities. The article commences with a definition of school psychology and underscores the pivotal role that ethical principles play in guiding the professional conduct of school psychologists. It explores

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