
Healthy Diet for January 18 – All Dried Up ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Need an easy way to get your “five to nine a day” for fruits and vegetables? Reach for dried fruit. There’s lots more than raisins, dried apricots, and dried plums (prunes) on store shelves today. Are dried fruits as nutritious as fresh? Overall, yes, except the drying process destroys a hefty amount of vitamin C

Healthy Diet for January 8 – The Eyes Have It ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

An old wives’ tale proves true: carrots do help you see better. It has long been known that carrots’ beta carotene (which forms vitamin A) helps your eyes adjust to dim light. Cutting-edge research suggests that other antioxidants in plant-based foods may help protect your eyesight from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Eating foods rich

Healthy Diet for January 1 – Skip Resolutions, Make Plans – Healthy Diet – Lifestyle

Ever make New Year’s resolutions with enthusiasm, only to break them after a few days? For a better chance of success, make plans—not just resolutions—for fitness, healthier eating, weight loss, or whatever’s important for you. Here’s how: Break your big goals (resolutions) into smaller, more specific goals. List realistic changes that match your goals. Specifi

Healthy Diet for January 2 – Get  FIT – Healthy Diet – Lifestyle

Do you realize that a physically active lifestyle helps you get a deeper, more restful sleep? Gives you strength and stamina to do what matters most to you? Gives you some calorie leeway to enjoy another bite? May even extend your life? With the holiday season over, now’s a great time to see if  your

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