
Interpersonal Learning

Interpersonal learning occurs when individuals, through their interactions with others, acquire self-insight and learn new interpersonal skills. Interpersonal learning is facilitated through processes such as self-observation, self-reflection, feedback from others, and experimenting with new behaviors in an interpersonal context. Related therapeutic processes often occur in individual therapy (e.g., insight work, counselor feedback to the client

Krumboltz Learning Theory

A theory is simply an explanation for understanding how things happen and why. A learning theory about career development explains how people discover their current occupations through a variety of different learning experiences. Within the learning theory framework, how occupations—accountant, senator, plumber—developed from life’s learning experiences can be explained. Our society advocates that people plan

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning refers to instructional methods in which students work in small groups to learn academic content. Cooperative learning methods vary widely. Group sizes may range from pairs to groups of four or more. Children may be asked to work on projects, to tutor each other, or just to help each other as needed. Each

Transfer of Learning

In  sport,  transfer  of  learning  is  generally  defined as  the  influence  of  previous  experience  of  performing  a  skill  on  the  learning  of  a  new  skill  or on performance of the same skill in a new context. This influence may be positive or negative. Positive transfer  occurs  when  previous  experience  of  performing a skill is beneficial

Learning Theory

Learning Theory Definition The meaning of this term seems simple: Learning theory is the theory about how learning is achieved. Unfortunately, things are not that simple. A fundamental problem is that the term learning theory seems to suggest that there is a single, true theory of learning. Although one cannot exclude the possibility that such

Laws Of Movement Learning And Control

Various  laws  of  movement  learning  and  control have  been  proposed  on  the  basis  of  research.  In this entry, the focus is on three of the most firmly established  of  these  laws:  the  law  of  practice, Fitts’s law, and Hick’s law. These laws are of interest  to  sport  and  exercise  psychologists  because they specify relatively simple

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