
Complex Litigation

Complex litigation tends to get framed as a problem for the jury system, but it is more properly viewed as a problem for any fact finder—juror, judge, arbitrator, expert panel—and for the litigants and their attorneys. Still, the jury framing is useful because it brings into focus some of the resources a fact finder needs

Litigation Stress

Litigation stress is best understood as consisting of negative physical and psychological reactions to being involved in a legal action. Indeed, litigation itself is mentioned specifically as a stressor in the multiaxial Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Text Revised (fourth edition), in Axis IV (Psychosocial and Environmental Problems). A variety of physical and emotional

Work/Life Litigation

Work/life litigation refers to legal action taken against employers for discriminating against a worker or workers due to their family responsibilities. Among the most common types of work/life litigation are cases charging employers with pregnancy discrimination, creating a hostile work environment, unequal pay, disparate treatment, disparate impact, violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act

Litigation Stress

Litigation stress is best understood as consisting of negative physical and psychological reactions to being involved in a legal action. Indeed, litigation itself is mentioned specifically as a stressor in the multiaxial Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Text Revised (fourth edition), in Axis IV (Psychosocial and Environmental Problems). A variety of physical and emotional

Complex Litigation

Complex litigation tends to get framed as a problem for the jury system, but it is more properly viewed as a problem for any fact finder—juror, judge, arbitrator, expert panel—and for the litigants and their attorneys. Still, the jury framing is useful because it brings into focus some of the resources a fact finder needs

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