
Couples Living Apart Together

Living apart together (LAT) broadly refers to couples, heterosexual or homosexual, who have an ongoing self-defined couple relationship without cohabiting. Some couples keep separate residences, even though they both live within the same locale. Levin (2004) has suggested that the dual residence aspect of LAT couples distinguishes them from a commuter marriage where there is

Independent Living

The independent living movement was born in the mid to late 1960s along with several other civil rights groups, such as African Americans and women, who became  activists  for  equality  in American  society. Before this time, many people with disabilities lived either with their parents or sadly, in nursing homes or other institutions, because they

Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted living facilities (ALFs) are a relatively new type of housing for older adults, which provide variable levels of care in a dignified and homelike environment. ALFs fulfill the needs of older adults who are not able to live independently in their own homes but do not require the greater care provided in nursing homes.

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