
Healthy Diet for March 15 – Weighty Problems ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

If you read health headlines, you know that obesity is today’s top health epidemic. Why the alarm? Among other reasons, obesity has been cited as a major cause of death and disease, increasing the risks for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers. The risks are higher if excess body fat is

Healthy Diet for March 16 – “A” to Avocados ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Though they aren’t sweet, avocados are actually fruit, and they have unheralded health benefits. Avocados provide heart-healthy folate; vitamins E, C, and B6 potassium; and soluble fiber. Their fat is mostly monounsaturated, the kind that’s heart-healthy. And avocados have phytonutrient benefits: cholesterol-lowering plant sterols; glutathione, which works as an antioxidant potentially for cancer protection; and

Healthy Diet for March 17 – Go for Green ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Wearing green for St. Patrick’s Day? Why not make a meal to match? From broccoli and green beans to spinach and green peppers, count all the ways you can fill your plate with greens! Properly prepared, green veggies add color appeal to your meals. Cooked just until tender-crisp, they add flavor appeal. Besides that, dark-green

Healthy Diet for March 18 – Walk a Fit Line ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Does physical activity take priority in your life? Or do busy schedules interfere? Consider this: Nearly everyone can fit walking into a lifestyle. And it pays off! Warm up, then stretch first. Walk briskly; the faster you walk, the greater the benefits. Pump your arms. Wear good walking shoes. Bring your water bottle. Enjoy! Now

Healthy Diet for March 1 – Smart Eating ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Are eating healthy and active living important to you? An overwhelming 85 percent of American consumers say it is, according to a recent survey. Hungry for timely nutrition information? Almost 60 percent of consumers say they are. So where do you go for reliable advice? See a qualified professional: a registered dietitian (RD) with a

Healthy Diet for March 2 – Got You? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Have a “gut reaction” (intestinal discomfort) to milk? Thirty million Americans are lactose intolerant. The “dairy” good news: If you’re lactose intolerant, you probably still can enjoy milk with your cookies. Lactose intolerance isn’t a milk allergy. Instead the body simply doesn’t make enough of the enzyme lactase to digest lactose properly. Lactose sensitivity varies;

Healthy Diet for March 3 – Sweet Potatoes ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Have a sweet tooth? Nibble a sweet potato! Think about this. One-half cup of sweet potatoes delivers more beta carotene (antioxidant) than 12 cups of broccoli. Sweet potatoes also supply vitamin E, another antioxidant, and potassium, too. Raw sweet potatoes make an easy low-calorie, nearly fat-free snack. They deliver fiber, even more with the peel

Healthy Diet for March 4 – Eat Out, Eat Right ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Remember when eating out was a special occasion? That’s changed! On average, today’s American consumers eat out more than four times a week and spend more than 46 percent of their food dollars away from home. That said, eating out needs as much smart-eating attention as eating in. When you eat out, order wisely, savor

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