
Marital Communication

Marital communication refers to the communication and social interaction that transpire between spouses. However, the study of marital communication is often informed by and extended to a range of couples in a “marriage-like” setting such as cohabiting and same-sex couples. In most industrialized societies as many as 90 percent of the population marry, and in

Marital Typologies

Marital typologies are classifications of marriages based on systematic differences among them. An assumption underlying the study of marital typologies is that within any given sample of marriages, a few discrete, meaningful types can be discerned. Marriages are categorized into types in order to understand the communication that occurs between husbands and wives. Typologies of

Marital Power/Resource Theory

Questions about inequalities in marriage and the distribution of power within the relationship have long been a concern within sociology of family. In particular, ideas about historic shifts in the dominance of husbands/fathers within families have vied with feminist inspired views of the continuing significance of patriarchal control in both public and private spheres. The

Marital Quality

Marital quality is a dynamic concept, as the nature and quality of people’s relationships change over time. There have been two major approaches to conceptualizing and measuring marital quality: looking at the relationship itself (examining patterns of interaction, such as the amount and type of conflict) and looking at individual feelings of the people in

Infidelity and Marital Affairs

Infidelity is about being emotionally or sexually unfaithful. It is closely equated with non-monogamy, and as such is usually examined in the context of marriage. However, as constructions of marriage have changed since the middle of the twentieth century, the meanings attached to infidelity (or unfaithfulness, betrayal, or disloyalty) are no longer associated so exclusively

Marital Rape

Marital rape is a serious and prevalent form of intimate violence. The legal definition of marital rape varies from one state to the next; however, marital rape is generally defined as unwanted intercourse or penetration (oral, anal, or vaginal) obtained by force or threat of force or when the wife is unable to give consent

Marital Equity

Marital equity refers to the degree of balance of authority, power, or influence between spouses. There are multiple domains related to marital power, including, for example, each partner’s education background and economic contribution; each spouse’s ability to use communication skills to influence the other partner; and how much each partner has a say in decision

Marital Satisfaction

Marital Satisfaction Definition Marital satisfaction is a mental state that reflects the perceived benefits and costs of marriage to a particular person. The more costs a marriage partner inflicts on a person, the less satisfied one generally is with the marriage and with the marriage partner. Similarly, the greater the perceived benefits are, the more

Couple and Marital Counseling

Couple and marital counseling helps couples, married or not, identify problems, manage difficulties, and ultimately improve their relationship. The intensity of an intimate relationship makes it one of the most important relationships one encounters in life. Because couple and marital counseling deals with two people and the dynamics that exist in their relationship, the counseling

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