
Moral Disengagement and Execution

People ordinarily refrain from behaving in ways that violate their core moral standards because such conduct will bring self-censure. In some institutional role functions, however, such as military combat and state executions, the taking of human life presents a grave moral predicament. Intentional infliction of death and destruction can, therefore, exact a heavy emotional toll

Moral Disengagement – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Moral  disengagement  is  the  conditional  endorsement  of  transgressive  behavior  through  the  use of  any  of  eight  psychosocial  mechanisms  and  is apparent  in  sport  when  players  rationalize  harmful  behaviors  such  as  injuring  or  deliberately fouling   opponents.   The   eight   mechanisms   of moral  disengagement  operate  by  minimizing  or eliminating  unpleasant  emotional  reactions  (e.g., guilt,  shame)  normally  associated  with 

Moral Judgment – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Moral judgment refers to the determination a person  makes  about  an  action  (or  inaction),  motive, situation,  or  person  in  relation  to  standards  of goodness  or  rightness.  People  articulate  a  moral judgment,  for  example,  when  they  say  that  an action is right or wrong, that a person is good or bad, or that a situation is

Moral Reasoning and Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Moral reasoning is focused on what, from a moral standpoint,  a  person  should  do  in  a  given  situation.  Moral  reasoning  addresses  issues  of  right and wrong, good and bad, virtue and vice. Moral reasoning  seeks  to  answer  these  questions:  What ought to be done? What is the right thing to do? Athletes  use  moral  reasoning 

Moral Values and Attitudes in Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The  study  of  morality  in  sport  has  attracted  the interest   of   many   sport   psychologists,   partly because  of  the  pervasive  and  long-held  belief across  many  scholars  and  lay  people  that  sport builds  character.  Research  in  this  area  of  sport psychology (SP) has looked at whether sport participation  is  indeed  linked  to  moral  behavior  by examining  issues 

Moral Development – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Moral development refers to the age-related developmental  processes  that  individuals  undergo  as they  become  more  knowledgeable,  consistent, and responsive in their ethical functioning. Moral development  includes  cognitive,  affective,  volitional, and behavioral elements, and developmental lags in any of these areas can result in ethical violations.  For  example,  an  athlete  who  exhibits sophisticated thinking about ethical

Moral Atmosphere – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The  concept  of  moral  atmosphere  was  originally  described  by  Lawrence  Kohlberg  and  his associates,  who  investigated  school  and  prison environments  to  determine  the  influence  of  the group  norms  of  these  settings  on  moral  reasoning and behavior. They proposed that, over time, groups  develop  their  own  culture  and  a  shared understanding  of  what  is  appropriate  behavior  as 

Moral Behavior and Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The term moral behavior is used with at least two different meanings in the literature. The first is when researchers  explicitly  define  moral  behavior  and refer to the conditions in which an act is right, or ethical; when these conditions are met, the behavior can  be  called  moral.  For  example,  Augusto  Blasi defined  moral  behavior 

Moral Panics and High School Violence

A moral panic is an episode or period of community fear or hysteria generated by a perceived social crisis or emergency. The term moral panic was coined by sociologist Jock Young in the early 1970s and popularized by sociologist Stanley Cohen in a 1973 book, Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods

Moral Panics and Campus Violence

Reports often indicate fears that violence in society is on the rise, especially on high school and college campuses throughout the United States. While there might be some validity in these concerns, they are often the result of what sociologists, psychologists, and criminologists term a moral panic. A moral panic can be defined as the

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