
Neonatal Nurse Career

Neonatal nurses provide direct patient care to newborns in hospitals for the first month after birth. The babies they care for may be normal, they may be born prematurely, or they may be suffering from an illness or birth defect. Some of the babies require highly technical care such as surgery or the use of

Nurse Practitioner Career

Nurse practitioners are one of four classifications of advanced practice nurses (APNs). APNs are registered nurses who have advanced training and education. This training enables them to carry out many of the responsibilities traditionally handled by physicians. Some nurse practitioners specialize in a certain field, such as pediatrics, oncology, critical care, or primary care. The

Nurse Manager Career

Nurse managers are experienced health care profes­sionals who manage the operations of services and personnel in medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes, community health programs, institutions, and other places where health care is provided. Their responsi­bilities vary depending on their position and place of employment. They may be in charge of hiring and fir­ing their staff

Nurse Assistant Career

Nurse assistants (also called nurse aides, orderlies, or hospi­tal attendants) work under the supervision of nurses and handle much of the personal care needs of the patients. This allows the nursing staff to perform their primary duties more effectively and efficiently. Nurse assistants help move patients, assist in patients’ exercise and nutri­tion needs, and oversee

Nurse Anesthetist Career

Nurse anesthetists, also known as certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), are one of four classifications of advanced practice nurses (APNs). They are registered nurses (RNs) with advanced training in anesthesiology. They are responsible for administering, supervising, and monitoring anesthesia-related care for patients under­going surgical procedures. General anesthesia is not necessary for all surgical procedures; therefore

Oncological Nurse Career

Oncological nurses specialize in the treatment and care of cancer patients. While many oncological nurses care directly for cancer patients, some may be involved in patient or community education, cancer prevention, or cancer research. They may work in specific areas of cancer nursing, such as pediatrics, cancer rehabilitation, chemotherapy, biotherapy, hospice, pain management, and others.

Psychiatric Nurse Career

Psychiatric nurses focus on mental health. This includes the prevention of mental illness and the maintenance of good mental health, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. They care for pediatric, teenage, adult, and elderly patients who may have a broad spectrum of mentally and emotionally related medical needs. In addition to

Registered Nurse Career

Registered nurses (RNs) help individuals, families, and groups to improve and maintain health and to prevent disease. They care for the sick and injured in hospitals and other health care facilities, physicians’ offices, private homes, public health agencies, schools, camps, and industry. Some registered nurses are employed in private practice. RNs hold about 2.4 million

School Nurse Career

School nurses focus on students’ overall health. They may work in one school or in several, visiting each for a part of the day or week. They may also assist the school physician, if the school employs one. They work with parents, teachers, and other school and professional personnel to meet students’ health needs. School

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