
Termination of Parental Rights

When families fail to care for and protect children, states have the authority, when granted legal jurisdiction by the court, to initiate family services and to provide substitute care for the children. The prevailing legal standard for the care and protection of children is the best interest standard. The state is expected to act in

Parental Abduction

Definition and Incidence Parental abduction of a child occurs when a member of the child’s family, or someone acting on behalf of a family member, takes action to deprive a parent of his/her lawful rights to have custody of or access to the child. Also referred to as ‘‘custodial interference’’ or ‘‘parental kidnapping,’’ it includes

Parental Involvement in Education

Scholarly interest in parental involvement was sparked in the late 1960s, when the seminal Coleman report (Coleman et al. 1966) found family social background to be the most important predictor of children’s academic success in the United States. Educational inequalities by social class are found in most countries and such findings prompted researchers’ efforts to

Parental Mediation Strategies

“Parental mediation” refers to the interactions that parents have with children about their media use. The majority of the research has focused on interactions involving children’s television viewing. Most scholars believe that parental mediation is comprised of three dimensions. The first dimension refers to parent–child communication about television. This dimension has been given numerous labels

International Parental Kidnapping and Child Abduction

This article provides an exploration of international parental kidnapping and child abduction within the context of the United States criminal justice process. The introduction outlines the phenomenon’s definition, significance, and the legal frameworks governing cross-border abduction cases. The first section delves into the causes and motivations behind international parental kidnapping, addressing intricate factors such as

Termination of Parental Rights

When families fail to care for and protect children, states have the authority, when granted legal jurisdiction by the court, to initiate family services and to provide substitute care for the children. The prevailing legal standard for the care and protection of children is the best interest standard. The state is expected to act in

Parental Roles in Preventing Youth Smoking

This article explores the pivotal role of parents in preventing youth smoking, addressing a critical public health concern. Beginning with an overview of the prevalence and consequences of youth smoking, the article emphasizes the significance of parental influence in shaping attitudes and behaviors. The first section explores the risk factors associated with youth smoking, highlighting

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