
Personality and Careers

Personality refers to characteristics that make individuals unique, including their prototypical thoughts, emotions, interests, habits, and behaviors. Psychological in nature, personality is relatively stable over time. Personality plays a significant role in determining how a person behaves in various situations. Many dimensions of personality have been linked to career development. Almost every element of a

Personality Assessment

The term personality typically refers to one’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving. In addition to the stable, trait-like features often evoked by this construct (e.g., sociability, dominance, modesty), many theories also emphasize the roles of culture, family, and other environmental factors involved in personality expression and development. This predominant individual differences variable has

Big Five Factors of Personality

People differ in many respects, some important, some trivial. Personality traits are among the individual-difference characteristics that are important and powerful in explaining human behavior in the world of work. Myriad psychological characteristics can be used to describe people and distinguish them from one another. For example, in the English language, in excess of 12,000

Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI)

The Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) is a widely used self-report measure designed to detect the principal personality traits of psychopathy. Revised in 2005 as the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R), it consists of 154 items arrayed in a 4-point Likert-type format. The PPI-R, like the original PPI, yields a Total score reflecting global psychopathy as well

Personality Disorders

Personality disorders, formerly known as character disorders, make up a class of heterogeneous mental disorders characterized by chronic, maladaptive, and rigid patterns of cognition, affect, and behavior. They are coded on Axis II of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) and reflect patterns of thought, affect, and

Sixteen Personality Questionnaire (16PF)

The Sixteen Personality Questionnaire (16PF) is one of the oldest commercially available measures of normal adult personality. It is used in a variety of settings, including personnel selection, counseling, career development, and outplacement consulting. The inventory has also been utilized extensively in academic settings to advance the understanding of personality structure, its roots, and predictive

Modal Personality

Modal personality was the term used by anthropologist Cora DuBois in her 1944 monograph The Peoples of Alor: A Social-Psychological Study of an East Indian Island, based on research carried out in the Alor islands of Indonesia during the late 1930s. The Alor study focused on issues and methods involving both anthropology and psychology. It

Personality Tests and Sports ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Personality is typically defined as a person’s distinctive and enduring (i.e., cross-situational) thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the person’s reactions to life situations. Personality traits are  also  defined  as  specific  properties  that  predispose a person to react in certain ways in given classes  of  situations—sport,  for  example.  Some personality  traits  are  genetically  determined  and

Type A and B Personality ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Personality  differences  among  individuals  can  be explained  in  relation  to  their  individual  differences in need patterns. Individuals possess various needs—very  basic  ones,  such  as  the  consumption of  food  and  avoidance  of  pain;  and  secondary ones,  such  as  achievement,  affiliation,  and  dominance.  These  primary  and  secondary  needs  have the  potential  to  influence  an  individual’s  pattern of

Sports And Personality ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Personality has been defined as the relatively stable organization of an individual’s character, temperament,  intellect,  and  physique,  which  shapes  the individual’s  behavior  and  his  or  her  actions  in  a given situation. For each individual, there are core personality  components  that  are  quite  stable  and unchanging. However, when one observes patterns of  behavior  in  an  individual 

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