
Physical Effects of Media Content

The physical effects of media content are understood as the direct influence of the media on the organism. This includes mainly processes of physiological arousal as well as emotional effects evoking joy or fear, a pleasant mood or stress. Early one-dimensional arousal theories (Lindsley 1951; Duffy 1962) stated that physiological arousal comprises unspecific activation on

Physical Therapy Assistant Career

Physical therapy assistants help to restore physical func­tion in people with injury, birth defects, or disease. They assist physical therapists with a variety of techniques, such as exercise, massage, heat, and water therapy. Physical therapy assistants work directly under the supervision of physical therapists. They teach and help patients improve functional activities required in their

Physical Education Teacher Career

Physical education (PE) teachers instruct students in kin­dergarten through grade 12 about physical fitness and health. They may organize physical education programs for an entire school or just a few classes. PE teachers make up only a small percentage of the approximately 3.8 mil­lion teachers employed in the United States. In the United States, organized

Physical Therapist Career

Physical therapists, formerly called physiotherapists, are health care specialists who restore mobility, alleviate pain and suffering, and work to prevent permanent disability for their patients. They test and measure the functions of the musculoskeletal, neurological, pulmo­nary, and cardiovascular systems and treat problems in these systems caused by illness, injury, or birth defect. Physical therapists provide

Physical Self-Acceptance – Sport Psychology – Lifestyle

According  to  psychologist  Carol  Ryff,  the  term self-acceptance  refers  to  positive  evaluations  of oneself and one’s past life. Someone with high self-acceptance  experiences  psychological  well-being (PWB)  in  the  form  of  a  positive  attitude  toward oneself—being  able  to  recognize  and  accept  the good  and  bad  qualities  of  multiple  aspects  of oneself—and   looks   positively   upon   past   life.

Adapted Physical Education

Physical  education  (PE)  is  considered  an  important vehicle for the promotion of physical activity, psychosocial  development,  and  teaching  dance, games,  and  sports  skills.  Unfortunately,  children with disabilities are often inactive and socially isolated during PE despite laws requiring children with disabilities  to  be  included  in  general  educational schools,  PE  not  excepted.  This  entry  centers  on

Physical Activity Counseling

Lack of regular physical activity poses a health risk, but for many people, becoming more active is a difficult goal to achieve. Physical activity counseling offers a method of helping individuals increase their physical activity levels. It adopts a person-centered approach to help individuals find ways that physical activity can be included in everyday life.

Physical Performance Assessment

Physically demanding occupations, such as manual materials handling and public safety, require the use of a variety of physical abilities to perform the job tasks. Because of the need for workers to meet the physical requirements of arduous jobs and the potential for injury, employers use physical performance tests to determine an individual’s physical capabilities

Physical and Psychological Recovery

This article within the field of health psychology explores the intricate relationship between physical and psychological recovery, emphasizing their interdependence in the context of holistic well-being. The introduction defines physical and psychological recovery and underscores their paramount significance within health psychology. The subsequent sections delve into the physiological intricacies of physical recovery, elucidating cellular repair

Physical Self-Acceptance

According  to  psychologist  Carol  Ryff,  the  term self-acceptance  refers  to  positive  evaluations  of oneself and one’s past life. Someone with high self-acceptance  experiences  psychological  well-being (PWB)  in  the  form  of  a  positive  attitude  toward oneself—being  able  to  recognize  and  accept  the good  and  bad  qualities  of  multiple  aspects  of oneself—and   looks   positively   upon   past   life.

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