
Psychological Well-Being Definition ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Psychological well-being (PWB) is defined as one’s level  of  psychological  happiness/health,  encompassing life satisfaction, and feelings of accomplishment. At the risk of being dualistic and separating physical well-being from PWB, it is helpful to note that  physical  well-being  encompasses  physical health,  including  disease  states,  fitness  level,  and ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL).

Psychological Susceptibility to Injury ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Sport and recreational-related injuries have become a  significant  public  health  concern  for  physically active persons. For example, in 2006 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that participation  in  high  school  sports  will  result  in approximately  1.4  million  injuries  reported  to medical  staff  at  a  rate  of  2.4  injuries  per  1,000 athlete exposures (i.e.

Psychological Skills Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Psychological  skills  training  (PST)  involves  training  athletes  and  exercisers  to  learn  psychological skills  (e.g.,  relaxation  skills)  that  help  these  performers  regulate  their  psychological  state  (e.g., their  feelings  of  confidence).  PST  is  of  interest  within  sport  and  exercise  psychology  (SEP) because  psychological  states  can  affect  sport  and exercise  performance;  if  performers  can  regulate their  psychological  states  via 

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA), the world’s largest psychology organization, has worked for more than 100 years to advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a way to promote health, education, and human welfare. Psychology is a dynamic and diverse field. Psychologists follow dozens of career paths and pursue their craft in

Psychological  skills  comprise  the  deliberate  use of  pre-prepared  and  structured  sequences  of  specific thoughts and behaviors by athletes and exercisers  to  regulate  their  psychological  state  (e.g., feelings  of  confiden

Within current theory, it is proposed that a performer’s  psychological  state  (e.g.,  self-confidence, motivation,  anxiety,  and  attention)  is  considered to affect his or her performance on tasks of interest  such  as  throwing  the  javelin  or  completing an  exhausting  workout.  Certain  psychological states  are  considered  more  facilitative  to  performance than others. The nature of the relationship

Psychological Autopsy

Psychological autopsy is a generic term used to describe a form of psychological assessment undertaken in a postmortem and postdictive capacity for determining various attributes in a person who is deceased. The goal and thus purpose of undertaking a psychological autopsy varies and is largely dependent on the circumstance in which the evaluation is being

Psychological Astrology And The Twelve Houses (Pluto’s Cave Psychological Astrology) (Volume 1) – Best Astrology Books ⋆ Best Astrology Books ⋆ Lifestyle

Price: $19.99 – $18.53 (as of Mar 29,2018 15:12:54 UTC – Details) “Psychological Astrology and the Twelve Houses” will surprise you, whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned professional: Noel Eastwood is a psychotherapist, tarotist and astrologer who approaches astrology as an altered state of consciousness. He walks you through the houses of

Psychological Support for Witnesses

This article delves into the critical aspect of psychological support for witnesses within the context of the US criminal justice process. Beginning with an overview of the criminal justice system, the introduction emphasizes the pivotal role witnesses play in investigations and trials. The subsequent sections scrutinize the psychological challenges witnesses face, encompassing trauma, memory distortion

Psychological Consequences Of Sport Injury

Injury is a common occurrence in association with sport participation. Most sport injuries are minor, require  minimal  medical  intervention,  and  have limited  impact  on  the  sport  involvement  of  athletes.  However,  a  substantial  number  of  injuries are of sufficient severity to require more extensive medical  treatment  (e.g.,  immobilization,  surgery), rehabilitation,  and  restriction  of  sport  involvement.  In 

Psychological Skills Training

Psychological  skills  training  (PST)  involves  training  athletes  and  exercisers  to  learn  psychological skills  (e.g.,  relaxation  skills)  that  help  these  performers  regulate  their  psychological  state  (e.g., their  feelings  of  confidence).  PST  is  of  interest  within  sport  and  exercise  psychology  (SEP) because  psychological  states  can  affect  sport  and exercise  performance;  if  performers  can  regulate their  psychological  states  via 

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