
Vocational Psychology

Vocational psychology, a specialty within applied psychology, is the study of vocational behavior and its development across the life cycle. Emerging in the first decade of the twentieth century as America became heavily industrialized, vocational psychology originally concentrated on the fit between a worker’s abilities and interests and a job’s requirements and rewards. The outcome

Sports Psychology Flow ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Flow  is  a  special  psychological  state  of  total absorption  in  a  task.  When  in  flow,  athletes  are fully  focused  on  what  they  are  doing,  and  this heightened  attention  is  associated  with  a  number of positive factors. Accompanying a focused mindset are factors such as knowing exactly what one is going to do and how one

For individuals seeking a career in sport psychology  (SP),  there  are  numerous  options  for  those who have earned master’s and doctoral degrees in SP. Most individuals with master’s degrees work in athletic academic advising, as teachers o

A  master’s  degree  in  SP  may  lead  to  one  of five  main  options  (excluding  pursuing  a  doctoral degree). Athletic academic advising. Most U.S. universities are members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). All universities in the NCAA’s Division I are required to operate athletic academic advising entities, which provide academic counseling for their student–athletes.

Homicide Psychology

Computed across a lifespan of 75 years, there is a 1 in 200 chance that an individual in the United States will be murdered. The frequency of homicide and this startlingly high statistic warrant more concerted efforts to research the psychological underpinnings motivating homicide. The history of the study of the psychology of homicide is

Mindfulness in Sports Psychology ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Mindfulness  is  a  state  of  non-judging  awareness and acceptance of internal experiences. This state has been achieved through evidence-driven mindfulness-based interventions that are useful for the treatment  of  psychological  concerns  and  for  the enhancement  of  performance  among  athletes  and other  performers.  This  entry  describes  the  basic processes  associated  with  mindfulness,  the  intervention components that enhance

Race in Sports – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The  term  race  is  not  easily  defined;  it  has  complicated and contested meanings contingent upon historical  and  social  contexts.  In  a  general  sense, scholars  within,  and  outside,  sport  psychology (SP)  have  conceptualized  race  as  having  biological  and/or  social  distinctions.  From  a  biological perspective, race refers to individuals who are perceived  by  others,  and  perhaps  by 

Investigative Psychology

Investigative psychology is a problem-solving psychology set up to deal with real-world crimes and other issues, beyond the abstractions of university laboratories. Investigative psychologists collect, assess, interpret, and organize the information available from an investigation. It is an emerging area of criminal psychology that utilizes psychology to bring together various data relevant to investigations to

History Of Exercise Psychology – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The  history  of  exercise  psychology  is  closely intertwined  with  the  history  of  sport  psychology. Although discussed in separate entries in this encyclopedia,  the  history  of  sport  and  exercise psychology can be considered as one history, with some differing paths and forks, but continual connections.  That  history  has  roots  going  back  into classical  times,  as  reflected 

Fair Play – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

The  purpose  of  fair  play  is  to  ensure  that  every competitor has an equal chance of being successful in any given competition. Fair play is supported by a  philosophic  belief  that  every  player,  team,  official,  and  fan  respects  and  honors  (1)  the  rules  of the game (constitutive, regulatory, and sportsmanship),  (2)  those  who  play  the 

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Psychology – Sport Psychology – Lifestyle

A self-fulfilling prophecy can be defined as a prediction that sets in motion a series of events that ultimately causes the original prediction to become true.  Within  the  sport  setting,  the  self-fulfilling prophecy  theory  has  been  used  to  describe  how and  why  the  expectations  that  individuals  (e.g., coaches)  form  about  others  (e.g.,  athletes)  can serve 

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