
Genetics and I-O Psychology

The idea that genetics may play a determining role in work behavior and work-related phenomena does not have a particularly long past in terms of actual research activity among industrial-organizational psychologists. Whereas research in other domains of psychology convincingly have shown that human behavior is influenced by genetic and biological characteristics of individuals, it was

Health Psychology in Asthma Interventions

This article delves into the crucial role of health psychology in asthma interventions, examining the complex interplay between psychosocial factors and asthma outcomes. Beginning with an exploration of the prevalence and impact of asthma, the introduction sets the stage for an in-depth investigation into the multifaceted relationships between stress, anxiety, and asthma symptoms. The first

Black Psychology

Black psychology is an emerging discipline broadly defined as an evolving system of knowledge concerning elements of human nature, specifically study of the experience and behavior of people of African descent (Black populations). Historically, Black psychology stems from African philosophy, yet early perspectives in the United States focused on reacting to Western psychology’s characterization of

Feminization of Psychology

An increasing number of women are joining the field of psychology. According to the National Science Foundation, the percentage of women receiving psychology doctoral degrees increased from approximately 15% in 1950 to 55% in 1988. In 2002, an American Psychological Association (APA) task force found nearly two thirds of all new recipients of master’s degrees

Rehabilitation Psychology

Rehabilitation Psychology, a pivotal subfield within health psychology, addresses the intricate interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors in the process of restoring individuals to optimal functioning. This article provides a comprehensive exploration of Rehabilitation Psychology, beginning with its definition and historical roots, emphasizing its integral role in the broader context of health psychology. Theoretical

Gerontology and Psychology

This article explores the intersection of gerontology and psychology within the field of health psychology. Beginning with an elucidation of gerontology and its pivotal role in understanding the aging process, the article delves into the intricate biological and psychological changes that accompany aging, including cellular and neurological alterations, cognitive shifts, and emotional adjustments. Further, it

Psychology of Alcohol Dependence

This article explores the intricate facets of alcohol dependence within the framework of health psychology. The introduction delineates the definition of alcohol dependence, its historical context, and the pervasive societal impact of this phenomenon. Etiological factors, encompassing genetic predispositions, neurobiological underpinnings, and psychosocial influences, are dissected in the second section. The article navigates through the

Police Psychology Topics

Police psychology, the practice of psychology in police settings, has been part of American policing since the late 1960s and has traditionally been a clinical endeavor by clinical psychologists. Although many large police agencies and some medium-sized ones employ full-time clinical psychologists, most agencies contract for part-time work with clinical psychologists who often maintain separate

I-O Psychology in Europe and the UK

This article is about the history of work and organizational (W/O) psychology, as it is called in Europe; it is also known as industrial-organizational psychology ( (I-OPsychology) in the United States. To correctly interpret this historical account of W/O psychology in Europe, it should be taken into account that our discipline had and has different

I-O Psychology in North America

The confluence of dynamic external (socioeconomic, business, military, legal, technology) and internal forces (individuals, theories, research, applications) transformed the science and practice of industrial-organizational psychology from the foresights of a few individuals into a legitimate scientific and applied discipline. Throughout the evolution, an underlying theme persisted: The study and use of psychology for improving the

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