
Public Relations Career Field

Public Relations Careers Background The origins of public relations date back to early Greece, when Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle developed rules of rhetoric that made arguments more effective. Their methods were used in jury trials, ethics instruction, and other situations in which reason guided the discussion. In the late 19th century, newspapers decided to encourage

Public Safety Career Field

Public Safety Careers Background Virtually every aspect of life involves policies, regulations, and laws that help to promote public safety. The exterior of a house meets certain codes, or rules, so that it won’t catch on fire easily. Every time you drive a car, you follow a number of rules so that you won’t cause

Parks and Public Lands Career Field

The history of federal land in the United States can be divided into five major eras, some of which overlap one another: acquisition, from 1781, when the land claims of the original states were first ceded to the central government, until the purchase of Alaska in 1867; disposal, from about 1810 until about 1934, when


Few concepts in the social sciences have attracted more attention and caused more confusion than the concept of the “public.” The dispute concerning the nature of the public is at least as old as Greek democracy. Since that time, one of the most divisive questions has been whether the public is characterized by an everyman

Government and Public Administration Career Cluster

You probably spend much of every day complaining about things you do not like about school such as unfair grading practices, broken lockers, or gum under the desks. Although some students will just complain, others will try to change these troubling issues. Perhaps you are prepared to speak to the principal, write to school board

Public Choice Analysis of Public Health Priority Setting – iResearchNet

Many public health interventions are extremely good value for money. Advice from doctors to give up smoking, vaccinations against communicable diseases, or improved access to clean water in low-income countries are often relatively low cost interventions that produce substantial health gains. Where evidence on cost-effectiveness is available, many preventive and public health interventions fare very

Public Health in Resource Poor Settings – Health Economics – iResearchNet

This article addresses the distinctive challenges of planning, financing, implementing, and evaluating public health policies in low- and middle-income countries. By public health is meant the science and art of promoting and protecting health and well-being, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organized efforts of society. A key feature of low and middle-income countries

Public Health Professionals – Health Economics – iResearchNet

The origins of public health can be found in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Many of the prominent themes in the writings of that era, such as Airs, Waters, and Places from the Hippocratic corpus, have echoes in today’s major concerns about how one can have health amid both climate change and an increasing burden

Public Offender Registries

The registration of criminal offenders in the United States is not a new approach to crime prevention, but since the 1990s, this effort to create and maintain systematic lists of lawbreakers has focused largely on convicted sex offenders and featured public offender registries (PORs). As repositories of information about convicted criminals, PORs are open to

Public Perception of Sexual Offenders

Sexual offending results in drastic negative consequences for victims and their families. The nature of this offending behavior results in very strong public reactions and opinions about this subgroup of offenders. It is important to consider public perceptions or attitudes, particularly in the context of community reintegration of sexual offenders. Attitudes are an expression of

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