
Coach–Athlete Relations ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The  coach–athlete  relationship  is  a  unique  interpersonal  relationship  characterized  by  mutually and  interconnected  thoughts,  feelings,  and  emotions  between  an  athlete  and  a  coach.  There  are different  types  of  coach–athlete  relationships, including  traditional  coach–athlete  dyads  (the coach and athlete are not related in any way other than their coaching relationship), married coach– athlete dyads, and family

Public Relations: Global Firms

After World War II, a spurt in the growth of multinational companies and worldwide trade led to the concomitant growth of global advertising and marketing agencies and networks around the world. Such growth was the inevitable outcome of the need to coordinate the advertising and marketing of goods and services in the various markets that

Public Relations Career Field

Public Relations Careers Background The origins of public relations date back to early Greece, when Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle developed rules of rhetoric that made arguments more effective. Their methods were used in jury trials, ethics instruction, and other situations in which reason guided the discussion. In the late 19th century, newspapers decided to encourage

Media Relations

News media are the dominant way in which organizations of society disseminate information and persuasion to the general public. Networking, relationship building, and producing works to be published in the media are daily work for most public relations (PR) practitioners. The relation between the PR industry and the news media is therefore of interest for

Media Relations Specialist Career

Media relations specialists are experienced public relations specialists who have a broad working knowledge of televi­sion, radio, and print journalism and skills in establishing a controlled, positive image in the media for a company, person, or organization. They are also referred to as com­munications consultants. Media relations specialists serve as the liaison between the company

Public Relations Specialist Career

Public relations (PR) specialists develop and maintain programs that present a favorable public image for an individual or organization. They provide information to the target audience (generally, the public at large) about the client, its goals and accomplishments, and any further plans or projects that may be of public interest. PR specialists may be employed

Public Relations Field Dynamics

Systems theory reveals that organizations are integrated into their social environment by means of a network of relationships. In part, this rationale of organizational success motivated Harlow, who used the term “public relations” (PR) to describe the field of “all types of relations an organization has with its publics” (1957, xi). Systems theory and relationship

Public Relations: Media Influence

Earning public understanding and acceptance through reports in the press is one of the oldest means–ends schemes in public relations (PR). Firms, governments, NGOs, and interest groups alike use the media to convey their message to their publics. Hence, media influence is a two-step process. Whether PR efforts lead to news items in the media

Public Relations Planning

The 1952 edition of Effective Public Relations: Pathway to Public Favor (Cutlip & Center) set the standard for PR education for decades to come. Chapters 5–7 introduced planning as the second of a three-stage process model. The first step was fact-finding, the second planning, and the third communicating. By 1958, the authors had moved evaluation

Public Relations Roles

Organizational roles are abstract maps summarizing the most salient features of the daily activities of organizational members. Katz & Kahn (1978) considered roles central to the structure of organizations; organizations can be regarded as open systems of interrelated roles. Roles are defined as “recurring actions of an individual, appropriately interrelated with the repetitive activities of

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