
Self Research Topics

Self Definition In psychology, the notion of the self refers to a person’s experience as a single, unitary, autonomous being that is separate from others, experienced with continuity through time and place. The experience of the self includes consciousness of one’s physicality as well as one’s inner character and emotional life. People experience their selves

Cross-Sectional Research

The  longitudinal  method  examines  one  group of people repeatedly over time, whereas the cross-sectional method examines several groups of people at one point in time. For example, if you investigated changes in social behavior in 20-, 30-, and 40-yearolds all measured at one point in time, you would be conducting a cross-sectional research study. In

Abecedarian Research Project

The Abecedarian Research Project was an intensive research program designed to study the effect of high-quality educational child care on children from low-income families. Researchers selected infants from low-income families who were found to be at particularly high risk for educational failure because of low maternal educational  levels. The  participants  received  full-time, high-quality educational intervention

Ethics in Research

Ethical issues in social science research are of crucial importance not only to the individuals involved, but also to society. An understanding of what is and is not permissible arose through decades of debate beginning immediately after World War II, when information regarding how Nazi scientists treated prisoners in their care became general knowledge due

Theory Research

Historiography refers to the philosophy and methods of doing history. Psychology is certainly guided by underlying philosophies and a diversity of research methods. A behaviorist, for example, has certain assumptions about the influence of previous experience, in terms of a history of punishment and reinforcement, on current behavior. And the methods of study take those

Methods Research

Psychologists typically study contemporary events (behaviors and mental processes), whereas historians study events of the distant past. Both might be interested in the same behavior, but the time frame and the methods are usually distinct. Psychologists are interested in marriage, for example, and they might study marriage using surveys, ex post facto methods, or quasi-experimental

Applications Research

In the mid-1960s, a critical mass of sorts was achieved for those interested in teaching, research, and scholarship in the history of psychology. Within the span of a few years, two major organizations appeared: Cheiron: The International Society for the History of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Division 26 (Society for the History of

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