
Parenting Satisfaction Scale (PSS)

Child rearing has always been one of life’s major challenges and potential sources of self-fulfillment. In today’s world, divorce and unwed parenthood often alter parenting time and commitment for both parents, and attractive occupational options or excessive job requirements may affect motivation, time, or energy available for parenting. Connections between parental attitudes and child-rearing behaviors

Career Satisfaction

Career satisfaction is an important variable in research on career development and other areas of inquiry dealing with occupations, work dynamics, and individual adjustment. Although career satisfaction is seldom the primary topic of research investigations, it is often studied as an important criterion variable in relation to many different personal and organizational factors. It should

Satisfaction and Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Satisfaction is recognized as an important determinant of motivation and commitment in sport and exercise.  Although  researchers  and  practitioners have  acknowledged  that  satisfaction  influences motivated behavior and also represents a desirable cognitive emotional end state in itself, satisfaction is  not  recognized  as  a  distinct  emotion  or  mood state.  Satisfaction  has  been  used  interchangeably in  the 

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction (JS) is one of the most widely discussed and studied dimensions of employees’ work lives, with research dating back to the dawn of the twentieth century. Early definitions conceived of JS as a global affective or emotional reaction to one’s job. More recently, JS has been defined as comprising two distinct yet related components:

Job Satisfaction Topics

Job satisfaction refers to the overall feelings one has and the evaluation one makes about one’s job. People with high job satisfaction experience a pleasurable or positive emotional state when they think about their job or job experiences. In simple terms, they like their jobs. Since early studies in the 1930s, job satisfaction has become

Customer Satisfaction

This article provides an overview of some of the key scholarly developments in the area of customer satisfaction with services over the last 25 years. The service sector now dominates employment and gross domestic product figures for the United States and, more broadly, the economically developed world. However, this overview applies beyond the service sector

Job Satisfaction Measurement

Job satisfaction may be measured for a variety of reasons. For example, a company may measure job satisfaction over time to assess trends in employee attitudes or reactions to a new policy or organizational intervention. Assessing job satisfaction might also serve a diagnostic purpose, identifying those aspects of the job with which employees are dissatisfied.

Longevity and Life Satisfaction

This article delves into the intricate relationship between longevity and life satisfaction, anchored within the realm of health psychology. The introduction sets the stage by elucidating the fundamental concepts of longevity and its pivotal role in health psychology. The subsequent exploration of factors influencing longevity encompasses biological, psychosocial, and environmental dimensions, elucidating the intricate interplay

Parenting Satisfaction Scale

Child rearing has always been one of life’s major challenges and potential sources of self-fulfillment. In today’s world, divorce and unwed parenthood often alter parenting time and commitment for both parents, and attractive occupational options or excessive job requirements may affect motivation, time, or energy available for parenting. Connections between parental attitudes and child-rearing behaviors

Marital Satisfaction

Marital Satisfaction Definition Marital satisfaction is a mental state that reflects the perceived benefits and costs of marriage to a particular person. The more costs a marriage partner inflicts on a person, the less satisfied one generally is with the marriage and with the marriage partner. Similarly, the greater the perceived benefits are, the more

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