
Job Satisfaction and Well-Being

With the emergence of the field of positive psychology, increasing attention has been paid to factors contributing to general well-being. Job satisfaction has been identified as a major component of general well-being. Meta-analysis has found a correlation of .44 between measures of job satisfaction and general well-being. Given the many life areas impacted by work

Satisfaction and Sport

Satisfaction is recognized as an important determinant of motivation and commitment in sport and exercise.  Although  researchers  and  practitioners have  acknowledged  that  satisfaction  influences motivated behavior and also represents a desirable cognitive emotional end state in itself, satisfaction is  not  recognized  as  a  distinct  emotion  or  mood state.  Satisfaction  has  been  used  interchangeably in  the 

Patient Satisfaction in Managed Mental Health Care

This article delves into the intricate dynamics of patient satisfaction within the realm of Managed Mental Health Care (MMHC). The introduction establishes the significance of understanding patient satisfaction as a crucial determinant of treatment adherence and mental health outcomes. The first section examines factors influencing patient satisfaction, encompassing the accessibility and availability of services, the

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