
Sexual Aggression Perpetrated by Females

While the phenomenon of sexual coercion in intimate relationships has been acknowledged for several decades, for the most part the research that has addressed it has focused almost exclusively upon males as perpetrators and females as victims. Sexual perpetration committed by women, especially against men, is often not taken seriously in contemporary American culture. Indeed

Disclosure in Sexual Health Education

This article explores the intricate phenomenon of disclosure within the realm of sexual health education, emphasizing its critical role in fostering understanding and promoting positive outcomes. Grounded in established psychological theories such as Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model, and Theory of Planned Behavior, the theoretical framework section provides a foundation for understanding disclosure dynamics

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation describes a person’s sexual or affectional attraction to another person specifically identified by gender, either opposite sex (heterosexually oriented), same sex (homosexually oriented), or both sexes (bisexually oriented). This entry focuses on sexual orientation as applied to a same-sex orientation or a bisexual orientation. Sexual Orientation and Career Counseling Only 30 years ago

Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) is characterized by inappropriate or excessive sexual thoughts or behaviors that lead to stress, are overly time consuming, or lead to interpersonal, family, marital, financial, or legal problems. It appears to be widespread, to preferentially affect men, and to have an onset early in life. Psychiatric comorbidity is common, and while

Sexual Discrimination

Sexual discrimination occurs when individuals are treated differently or receive different outcomes solely because they are men or women. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made sexual discrimination illegal in the American workplace. Specifically, Title VII prohibits discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of his or her sex with

Sexual Harassment at Work

Psychologists generally describe sexual harassment at work as offensive, degrading, or harmful verbal or non-verbal behaviors that are of a sexual or gender-targeted nature. A variety of behaviors can be viewed as constituting sexual harassment. Examples include repeated requests for a romantic date despite rejection, as well as violent behaviors such as attempted or completed

Sexual Harassment Evaluation

Research examining juror decisions in sexual harassment has generally found a relationship between juror gender and liability decisions, in that women are more likely than men to consider sociosexual behavior sexual harassment. This relationship is mediated by several variables, including attitudes of hostile sexism, juror self-referencing, juror ratings of the credibility of the plaintiff, and

Sexual Desire

Sexual Desire Definition Sexual desire is typically viewed as an interest in sexual objects or activities. More precisely, it is the subjective feeling of wanting to engage in sex. Sexual desire is sometimes, but not always, accompanied by genital arousal (such as penile erection in men and vaginal lubrication in women). Sexual desire can be

Child Sexual Abuse

Although definitions can vary across legal, clinical, and research contexts, child sexual abuse is commonly defined as sexual acts between a youth and an older person (e.g., by 5 years or more) in which the dominance of the older person is used to exploit or coerce the youth. Behaviors may include noncontact (e.g., exposure) and

Sexual Assault Victims Coping

Coping strategies of adult rape victims refers to the ways in which rape victims respond to an assault. Most of this research focuses on female victims because most sexual assault victims are women. Although the term coping implies that someone is adjusting well, coping strategies can actually be either helpful or unhelpful. Less helpful strategies

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