
Job Sharing

Job sharing is a flexible working arrangement in which two or more individuals voluntarily share the responsibilities, pay, and benefits of a full-time position. In essence, job sharers convert one full-time job into two permanent part-time positions by coordinating task responsibilities while sharing the full-time equivalent of pay and fringe benefits. Job sharers may work

Job Sharing

Job sharing describes the sharing of one full-time job by two part-time employees, requiring interaction and collaboration between two part-time employees in completing work goals. Generally, pay and benefits are distributed equally between the part-time workers involved in job sharing. Objectives of job sharing include improved management of work and family responsibilities, better retention of

Job Sharing

Job sharing, sometimes called work sharing, generally refers to the practice of having two or more people share a single full-time position, each working part-time. It can also refer to two or more people sharing a single budget line, but doing unrelated work. Job sharing has been applied as a solution to several different situations

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