
Ethnicity in Sport

Ethnicity  refers  to  shared  cultural  traditions  and history of a group or population. The collection of people who share an ethnicity is often called an ethnic group. An ethnic group shares a common culture that is reflected in language or dialect, religion, customs,  clothing,  food,  and  music,  literature,  or art. Ethnic groups are often associated

Sport Expertise

Expertise  refers  to  the  underlying  qualities  and skills that distinguish highly accomplished people, referred  to  as  experts,  from  lesser  skilled  people. Experts  are  people  who  are  exceptionally  skilled in  a  particular  task  or  domain  and  their  expertise is typically evident across numerous aspects of human performance, including perception, cognition,  and  motor  execution.  Interestingly,  despite the 

Gender in Sport

Gender has a clear and powerful influence in society,  and  a  particularly  powerful  and  persistent influence  in  sport  and  exercise.  Indeed,  the  sport world  seems  to  exaggerate  and  highlight  gender. Sport  and  physical  activities  remain  largely  sex segregated  and  male  dominated.  Gender  is  so embedded that trying to be nonsexist and treating everyone the same

Automaticity in Sport

Automaticity is the ability to execute a skill using no (or very few) information processing resources: attention and working memory. When a skill can be  executed  in  this  fashion,  the  performer  has resources  available  to  process  other  sources  of information  not  directly  required  for  the  task. Automaticity is thought to be a hallmark of expert

Assimilation in Sport

Assimilation  refers  to  the  integration  of  one  culture  into  another.  This  integration  may  include changes  in  cultural  characteristics  such  as  language,  appearance,  food,  music,  and  religion among   other   customs.   Cultural   values   and beliefs  also  influence  this  integration  of  cultures. Assimilation  is  relevant  to  sport  performance  in that  sports  occur  in  the  context  of  culture,  society, 

Anticipation in Sport

In  sport  and  exercise  psychology,  anticipation usually  refers  to  the  ability  to  quickly  and  accurately predict the outcome of an opponent’s action before  that  action  is  completed.  Skilled  athletes can  use  bodily  cues  to  anticipate  outcomes  at earlier  moments  in  an  action  sequence  than  can unskilled  athletes,  allowing  them  more  time  to perform  an  appropriate 

Neurofeedback in Sport

In  recent  years,  there  has  been  an  increase  in research  and  practical  applications  concerning the use of biofeedback training for athletic performance  enhancement.  It  is  important  to  be  aware that the terms biofeedback and biofeedback training  are  not  identical,  and  therefore  need  to  be defined separately. Biofeedback (BFB) is the output from  an  electronic  device 

Brain in Sport

Neural  plasticity  is  the  mechanism  by  which  the brain  encodes  experience  and  learns  new  skills, behaviors, and habits in daily life and on the athletic field. Brain cells called neurons form a communication network that serves as the foundation of information processing in the brain. The neural network  of  the  brain  holds  the  capacity  to 

Burnout in Sport

Modern  sport  culture  is  replete  with  qualities thought to make burnout prevalent, including high training  volumes  and  competitive  demands,  near year-round  training,  and  in  some  sports,  specialization at young ages. Given this sport landscape and the concerns raised by sport scientists and others involved in the sport community (coaches and administrators), the importance of athlete

Centering in Sport

Athletes  are  often  faced  with  a  variety  of  factors that can throw off their focus on the athletic task, such  as  worry,  unexpected  events,  and  physical exhaustion. Therefore, it is important for athletes to be able to focus or refocus their attention on the athletic  task,  despite  frequently  changing  circumstances.  In  this  regard,  centering  is 

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