
Structural Equation

Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical technique that allows tests of complex relationships between large numbers of variables. The term “structural equation modeling” is closely related to terms like covariance structure analysis, causal modeling, or path analysis. According to Kline (2005), the main characteristics of SEM are as follows. First of all, there has

Systemic and Structural Violence in High School

Few educational settings are exempt from school violence. Violent incidents occur at the primary level and continue all the way through the post-secondary levels of education. School violence has become a fairly popular topic over the last few decades, and a great deal of public opinion concerning school violence is affected by increased media attention

Systemic and Structural Violence in College

Systemic violence and structural violence are closely related terms. Systemic violence refers to institutional practices or procedures that adversely affect groups or individuals psychologically, mentally, culturally, economically, spiritually, or physically. In a school context, such violence is an unwanted interruption of the student’s learning process and the quest for full human potential. Structural violence refers

Structural or Institutional Racism

When most people think about racism, they think about the concept of individual prejudice – in other words, negative thoughts or stereo types about a particular racial group. However, racism can also be embedded in the institutions and structures of social life. This type of racism can be called structural or institutional racism (hereafter, institutional

Structural Equation Modeling

Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a particular form of data analysis. According to this approach, a researcher begins with a model that specifies how multiple variables are related to each other. These theorized relationships are formalized into a set of equations that include the variables in question. These variables are then measured and their relations

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