
Limbic System and Sport

The limbic system is composed of a group of brain structures associated with various functions, most notably emotion, cognition, fear, and motivation. There is considerable variation in what structures researchers  consider  to  constitute  the  limbic  system, though the two primary structures of the system are consistently noted to be the amygdala and hippocampus. It should

Estimator and System Variables

A distinction between estimator and system variables is made in the eyewitness research literature between two categories or types of variables that influence the accuracy of eyewitness accounts. System variables are those that are (or can be) under the control of the justice system, whereas estimator variables cannot be controlled by the justice system. Examples

System Justification

System Justification Definition System justification refers to a social psychological propensity to defend and bolster the status quo, that is, to see it as good, fair, legitimate, and desirable. A consequence of this tendency is that existing social, economic, and political arrangements tend to be preferred, and alternatives to the status quo are disparaged. System

Immune System

The immune system is a defense system that protects invertebrate and vertebrate animals from microorganisms and substances recognized as foreign and potentially harmful. It evolved through a gradual process of increasing diversification that led to the enormous complexity of recognition and elimination mechanisms present in higher vertebrates. These recognition and elimination mechanisms operate and cooperate

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