
West Asia: Media Systems

The media landscape of West Asia includes countries and media systems as diverse as Turkey, with big media conglomerate holdings; Lebanon, whose media strongly influence developments in the Arab media sector, state-controlled Syrian media, partly controlled media under the Palestinian National Authority (PNA); and pro-government media in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The media market

Dynamical Systems – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Every  biological  system—microbe,  athlete,  or team—can  be  described  formally  in  terms  of  its time  evolution  or  dynamics.  This  becomes  feasible  if  one  capitalizes  on  a  crucial  characteristic of  biological  systems,  namely  that  they  exchange energy and matter, and in some cases also information, with their surroundings. In statistical physics, such systems are called open systems

Sign Systems

Sign systems mediate the interactions between agents and their worlds. In Peirce’s (1992, 1998) terms, an agent is a first. The principle of “firstness” refers to the property of existing in the world independently of other entities. Firstness entails relative autonomy: a first always encounters and interacts with something else that enables its autonomy to

Sensory Systems: Auditory, Tactile, Proprioceptive

Sensory  systems  are  the  peripheral  parts  of  the nervous system responsible for the transformation of  physical  stimuli  into  a  neural  code.  Receptors of  each  sensory  system  are  sensitive  to  a  distinct kind of energy, like the hair cells of the inner ear to  sound  energy  and  the  mechanoreceptors  of the  tactile  system  to  mechanical  energy 

Law and Legal Systems

The term law is surprisingly difficult to define. Perhaps the best-known definition within the sociology of law community is that of Max Weber: “An order will be called law if it is externally guaranteed by the probability that coercion (physical or psychological), to bring about conformity or avenge violation, will be applied by a staff

Systems Theory

The word “system” is widely used. We speak of planetary systems, transportation systems, nervous systems, number systems, filing systems, political systems, systems of checks and balances, systems of grammatical rules, systems of weights and measures, and so on as if they shared the same reality. Their common denominator is a multitude of component parts, depending

Caste Systems

The term caste comes from the Portugese casta (breed, lineage) and was coined by Portuguese travelers to India in reference to the social, economic, and religious system they witnessed. The traditional Hindu term is varna, and its earliest meanings include color, covering, tribe, and species. The caste system is easily the most controversial aspect of

Systems Setup Specialist Career

Systems setup specialists are responsible for installing new computer systems and upgrading existing ones to meet the specifications of the client. They install hardware, such as memory, sound cards, fax/modems, fans, microprocessors, and systems boards. They also load software and configure the hard drive appropriately. Some systems setup specialists install computer systems at the client’s

Media Systems

Typologies of media systems date to the publication of Four Theories of the Press, which proposed a typology of authoritarian, libertarian, social responsibility and Soviet Communist media systems. Hallin and Mancini’s typology of media systems in Western Europe and North America has influenced most recent work in comparative analysis of media systems. Hallin and Mancini proposed

Dynamical Systems

Every  biological  system—microbe,  athlete,  or team—can  be  described  formally  in  terms  of  its time  evolution  or  dynamics.  This  becomes  feasible  if  one  capitalizes  on  a  crucial  characteristic of  biological  systems,  namely  that  they  exchange energy and matter, and in some cases also information, with their surroundings. In statistical physics, such systems are called open systems

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