
SWAT Teams

In 1964, the Philadelphia Police Department, in response to an alarming increase in bank robberies, established a one-hundred-man Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Squad. The purpose of this unit was to react quickly and decisively to bank robberies while they were in progress, by utilizing a large number of specially trained officers who had at their

Teams and Teamwork

Teams are a particular form of work group. They are groups of people who share responsibility for producing products or delivering services. They share overall work objectives and ideally have the necessary authority, autonomy, and resources to achieve these objectives. Team members are dependent on each other to achieve the objectives and therefore have to

Top Management Teams

The top management teams (TMT) literature concerns itself with the study of the most senior teams of executive directors in both private and public sector organizations. These teams are studied in terms of their makeup, their activities, and the extent to which either of these variables has a causal relationship with organizational performance. Top management

Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are groups of individuals who work interdependently, are located at a distance from each other, and conduct most of their collaboration through communications technology (rather than face-to-face). A “pure” virtual team is one in which each member is geographically distant from each other member, but more often, at least some of the members

Justice in Teams

Justice in teams represents a specific content area within the organizational justice literature that focuses on how fairness operates in collective contexts. The majority of the studies in the organizational justice literature examine how individuals form and react to fairness perceptions. For example, studies explore how individuals judge the fairness of decision outcomes, decision-making procedures

Multidisciplinary Teams

Multidisciplinary teams in the realm of school psychology are a vital component of providing comprehensive support and education for diverse student populations. This article delves into the formation and composition of these teams, highlighting the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the roles of various professionals involved. It explores the multifaceted role of these teams, from

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