
Reid Technique for Interrogations

Law enforcement personnel use a variety of procedures to elicit confessions from suspects. The Reid Technique uses psychological methods to elicit confessions from those who are believed to be guilty, without the need to resort to physical force to extract a confession. The technique, initially developed in the 1940s and 1950s, was first published in

Door-in-the-Face Technique

Door-in-the-Face Technique Definition The door-in-the-face is an influence technique based on the following idea: If you want to make a request of someone but you’re worried that they might say no, get them to say no to a larger request first. Although this approach may seem odd, psychologists have identified two reasons why a “no”

Foot-in-the-Door Technique

Foot-in-the-Door Technique Definition The foot-in-the-door is an influence technique based on the following idea: If you want someone to do a large favor for you, get him or her to do a small favor first. The power of the foot-in-the-door stems from its ability to start with a small, innocuous request and move on to

Reid Technique for Interrogations

Law enforcement personnel use a variety of procedures to elicit confessions from suspects. The Reid Technique uses psychological methods to elicit confessions from those who are believed to be guilty, without the need to resort to physical force to extract a confession. The technique, initially developed in the 1940s and 1950s, was first published in

Lost Letter Technique

Lost Letter Technique Definition The lost letter technique is used to measure people’s attitudes by dropping stamped letters addressed to various organizations in public areas and then recording how many of the letters are returned via the mail. It is assumed that people will be more likely to return a letter if it is addressed

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