
Technology and Globalization

The term “globalization” and related terms such as global system, global economy, and global culture have been used since the mid-1980s in both the popular and academic literature to describe the “temporal-spatial compression” of the physical world (Harvey 1989). New information and (tele)communication technologies (ICTs) are viewed as linking distant localities into one globalizing world

Technology for Mobility

Within a decade of its commercialization, mobile communication is now often used more than landline telephony. In the early 1990s, only the privileged few used mobile communication, but by the mid-2000s, approximately one-third of the world’s population had a mobile telephone. This period of seemingly effortless adoption has been accompanied by changes in our sense

X-Ray Technology and Applications for Policing

An X-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is commonly known for its use in diagnostic medical imaging. However, this technology has applications for law enforcement that can safeguard life and property. Common uses for X-ray technology include object screening (such as packages, suspected bombs, or baggage) as well as the use of mobile

Video Technology in Policing

Video emerged as an important technology for law enforcement in the 1980s with the development of the small, affordable, battery-powered camcorder (a single-unit camera and recorder). Among its early uses were in closed-circuit TV (CCTV) surveillance, crime scene documentation, drunk-driver testing, the taping of confessions, officer training, and public information. Technological advances have upgraded these

Technology of Internet

Internet technology has developed in a rapid series of leaps to become one of the most fundamental communications infrastructures in modern society. When referring to the Internet as a communication infrastructure it is important to remember that the Internet is in reality a technological base upon which a multitude of software applications rely in order

Communication Technology and Democracy

Communication technologies have been seen both as instrumental and as destructive to democratic processes. The advent of the print media is intrinsically linked with the struggle for civil liberties and the construction of contemporary nations. At the same time their destructive capacities became equally clear when, for instance, at the end of the nineteenth century

Communication Technology Standards

Communication technology standards are technical specifications that enable technological components from different suppliers to work together within a given communication system. Some standards refer to the physical interfaces between network and terminal equipment. Others refer to logical elements expressed in algorithms and embodied in software. In digital systems, many standards involve both physical and logical

Domestication of Technology

The domestication of technology is an approach within the area of media appropriation studies. It describes the process of media (technology) adoption in everyday life, and especially within households. It outlines several dimensions of this dynamic adoption process in the context of the household as a moral economy and through the concept of the double

Rhetoric and Technology

Rhetoric as the study of forms of self-expression has many meanings depending on the context in which it is used. For theorists and practitioners of public speech, it is concerned primarily with the study of persuasion. For those interested in cultivation of effective expression, rhetoric concerns the use of style and development of polished writing

Communication Technology and Development

Information is critical to the social and economic activities that comprise the development process. Communication technology as a means of sharing information is not simply a connection between people, but a link in the chain of the development process itself. In general, the ability to access and share information can contribute to the development process

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